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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Set Back by Software Patent Trolls

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Microsoft losing grip in patent spat


Microsoft patent spat with Avistar hots up

,----[ Quote ]
| Avistar Communications Corporation reported today that the US Patent & 
| Trademark Office (USPTO) has rejected Microsoft's requests for re-examination 
| of 29 of Avistar's US patents pertaining to audio, video and collaboration 
| technologies.   


Avistar: Patent office denies Microsoft request to re-examine 14 patents

,----[ Quote
| Avistar Communications Corp. said Monday the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office 
| rejected requests by Microsoft Corp. to re-examine 14 of the company's 
| patents, but will look at nine of them.  


Avistar 14, Microsoft 9 in patent re-examination battle; shares jump


Microsoft's close partners from India are applying for software patents in the
United States.

Infosys awarded 2 patents by USPTO

,----[ Quote ]
| Actual 3D dimensional imaging, which includes a representation of depth 
| information along with amplitude of information is not being used in these 
| cases. This patent addresses the issue of 3D in mobile communication.  


Another mobile-related patent from Microsoft frienemies:

Apple patent hints at videoconferencing for iPhone

,----[ Quote ]
| Filed last September, the application describes "Touch Screen Device, Method, 
| and Graphical User Interface for Determining Commands by Applying 
| Heuristics" - more simply, the gesture-based user interface found on the 
| iPhone and iPod touch.   


And then there's Sun:

Update on the NetApp-Sun Patent Litigation

,----[ Quote ]
| The Order tells us that Sun was able to persuade the USPTO to agree to 
| reexaminations on some of NetApp's asserted patents, three of them (there are 
| four more), but this one, Order Granting Request for Inter Party 
| Reexamination [PDF] on the '001 patent, is the biggie. Sun asked for inter 
| partes reexamination of the '001 patent, based on prior art, and the USPTO  
| issued the order granting reexamination of all 63 claims of the patent, 
| finding that a "substantial new question of patentability (SNQ) affecting 
| claims 1-63" of the '001 patent exists.      



Trend Micro patent claim provokes FOSS community, leads to boycott

,----[ Quote ]
| Eben Moglen of the Software Freedom Law Center is aware of the case, and is
| considering a patent re-examination request or another intervention in the
| case.  
| Contacted by Linux.com, Barracuda's Drako acknowledged the array of reactions
| by saying, "We at Barracuda want to extend our thanks to the tremendous
| number of individuals who expressed support for our defending the use of
| ClamAV free and open source software, as well as to the community members
| that have submitted prior art."    
| If Trend Micro hasn't already, it is about to find out that the case is about
| free software after all.


Call for action: Boycott Trend Micro

,----[ Quote ]
| Anti virus developer Trend Micro accused Barracuda Networks of patent
| infringement but what they really did was attacking the users of ClamAV free
| anti virus software with a bogus patent.  


When Patents Threaten Science

,----[ Quote ]
| Patents should not be used to protect laws of nature, products of
| nature, or mathematical formulas.

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