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[News] Migrations to GNU/Linux on Plan, Trials Successful

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Open source tour of Europe: Germany

,----[ Quote ]
| It might be easier to list the projects that do not use open source. In June 
| last year Heise reported that 59% of German companies said they are using 
| open source software, based on a survey by Actuate.  
| Federal projects include the Federal Finance Office move to Linux on the 
| mainframe, the German Aerospace Centre, the Foreign Office (also here), 
| Deutsche Bahn,  
| the Employers’ Liability Insurance Association, the Monopolies Commission, 
| and German air traffic control. Additionally, the Federal Institute for 
| Geosciences and Natural Resources is using the Ingres database.  
| In October last year the Foreign Office voiced its support for the 
| OpenDocument Format, while this year it ruled out the adoption of OOXML (for 
| now, at least).  
| Perhaps the most famous open source project of all is the move to Linux 
| desktop in Munch. The city voted in 2003 to begin trials aimed at eventually 
| moving 14,000 desktops to Linux and OpenOffice.org and drafted in IBM and 
| SUSE Linux to help its efforts. In June 2004 it announced that the trials 
| were a success and Munich would move ahead with the plan, which has a budget 
| of €35m ($44m).     



[German] Federal Employment Office switches to Linux


Green Euro MP supports call for better access to open source software

,----[ Quote ]
| European citizens have the right to freely access documents and information
| from the institutions which represent them, and it is about time that the use
| of open source software became more widespread
| Open source software (1) should be more widely available in order to help
| reduce the 'digital divide', according to Dr Caroline Lucas, Green MEP for
| the South East.
| Dr Lucas has added her signature to a written declaration in the European
| Parliament - like an Early Day Motion (EDM) in the House of Commons -
| recognising the growing disparities in access to information and
| communication technologies throughout the European Union, and calling for
| increased use of open source technology.


German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Deploys StarOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this German article, the German Federal Office for Information
| Security (BSI) is switching to StarOffice for all 500 desktop PCs. 90% of the
| BSI employees have already gone through the migration. Another great success
| story for ODF!


DE: One fifth of Freiburg city council migrated to OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| In the German city of Freiburg, four hundred  of the two thousand PCs used by
| the city council are now running OpenOffice.
| The migration to the Open Source suite of office applications is a
| intermediate goal, saving the city up to half a million euro in licence
| costs. The city's final aim is to switch to an Open Source desktop.
| The council began its office application migration last July, when it decided
| to use the ISO-approved Open Document Format (ODF) as a document standard.


Ubuntu landed on Berlin metro system

,----[ Quote ]
| The guys from “Berliner Fenster”, a company responsible for the content of
| the television system installed inside underground vehicles (more than 3.700
| displays) were so kind (thank you!) providing us with a spot for our release
| party this Saturday for free. So just on time with the release starting from
| today there are small spots viewable by an audience of about 1.5 million
| people per day according to their web site.


DE: German Foreign Ministry will not use ISO OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| In the weeks prior to the second round of votes last September,
| irregularities were reported in the standard committees in many participating
| countries. These claims  continued until after the final discussion, in
| February and March this year.
| The European Commission has started an investigation into the allegations.
| The Commission sent a letter to all EU national standards committees in
| Europe, requesting information about the process. Sources at the Commission
| declined to comment, as the investigation is on-going and no official
| position has yet been adopted.


199 Euro laptop with OpenOffice.org pre-installed

,----[ Quote ]
| I just found about this offer in Germany. A vendor called "one" is selling a
| low-cost laptop with Linux and OpenOffice.org pre-installed for 199 Euro.
| This special offer lasts until May 12th according to the website. Cool to see
| more and more hardware vendors bundle OpenOffice.org!


City of Munich and German Federal Foreign Office start collaboration

,----[ Quote
| According to this German article, the City of Munich and the German Federal
| Foreign Office have started to collaborate on the implementation of their
| open source and open standards strategies. I would not be surprised if other
| organizations decided to join the "alliance" as well. Anyway, very cool to
| see government organizations collaborate regarding the usage of open source
| and open standards.


The German Plan for Open Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| The SAGA 4.0 document itself (PDF, 2.4 MB) states on page 114 that the Open
| Document Format (ODF) version 1.0 is a "Recommended" standard...
| [...]
| And it continues with stating PDF 1.4 as a mandatory standard (PDF 1.5 is a
| recommended standard, PDF 1.6 is a standard under observation).
| What are "Recommended" standards, "Mandatory" standards and standards "Under
| Observation"? Page 20 and page 21 explain the designations in full...


Germany upgrades ODF to "recommended"

,----[ Quote ]
| The new version 4.0 of the document "Standards and Architectures for
| eGovernment Applications" (SAGA) by the German Ministry of the Interior now
| recommends ODF for text documents.


German county adopts OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this German article, the German county "Friesland" is adoption
| open source including OpenOffice.org. OpenOffice.org will be installed on the
| majority of the client systems.


German penal institutions looking into OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks like that OpenOffice.org is also being used in areas where many of
| us don't expect it, or wouldn't research for. I have reports that some German
| penal institutions are looking into OpenOffice.org for their daily office
| work.  


Mayor of Munich opposes OOXML being made a Standard (German)

,----[ Quote ]
| Munich's mayor Christian Ude says in a letter to the Federal Minister for
| Economics and Technology, Michael Glos, he thinks there should be a
| clear "no" to the standardization of OOXML. The German Institute for
| Standardization (DIN) is currently evaluating how to vote in the ISO
| standardisation procedure. All the city needs, Ude indicates, is OpenDocument
| Format (ODF), already an ISO standard, and he believes competition is
| weakened by a competiting standards....      

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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