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Re: [Rival] Steve Ballmer Cries Like a Baby as Top Executives Evacuate the Ship

On 2008-06-24, nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:

> Makes it sound like Apple is the only thing that has hurt Microsoft's
> reputation.  Got to give them credit, though, for years and years they
> had people convinced that worms and viruses just came with the
> computer.  So if Apple has done a little reeducation on this matter,
> good for them.  I haven't seen the Apple ads, since I don't watch tv.
> They sound fun, though.


They used a "cool" guy (I suppose is the correct adjective) against a
bumbling, arrogant Gates-looking dork. They don't represent the people
so much as give personality to the machines and software.

The PC dufus does a pretty good job of capturing the Windummy mentality
(not so much that of ordinary users, but those like Gates, and our own
set of troll turds). It's no wonder that it does damage. People out in
the workplace see dimwits like that regularly, in IT departments, in
hardware and software vendors who come to peddle their wares, on TV and
in interviews on the news.

If Bill Gates had a penny for every time a Windows box crashed....Oh,
wait a minute, he already does.
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