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Re: Internet Explorer 8 beta cannot properly display Microsoft?s site

____/ Jerry McBride on Friday 07 March 2008 20:03 : \____

> Only MSFT can do this and it does it very well....
> "So far I found kind of surprising thing: Internet Explorer 8 cannot
> properly display even their own (Microsoft) sites. "

I've alreay come across complaints from people whose site 'breaks' in IE8. They
blog/rant about it. Don't believe a word Microsoft says because judging by
ACID3, Microsoft's browsers remain _by far_ the worst.  See this:

ACID3 and Konqueror

,----[ Quote ]
| As you can see, amongst stable versions (in bold), Konqueror beats them all. 
| Hip, hip, hooray for Konqueror (KHTML) devs! And one hip and hooray for 
| WebKit!  


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI"
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