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Re: [News] [OOXML] Legacy Office Formats Fail to Help OOXML, Render it Obsolete

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Mark Kent
on Tue, 4 Mar 2008 08:12:46 +0000
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Descriptions of Microsoft Office binary formats
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| These formats being available now rather removes the ?OOXML
>>| as documentation of Microsoft legacy formats? argument for
>>| the need for OOXML. Of course, they could have been made
>>| widely available before, but weren?t, for some reason.  
>>| I utterly reject the need for OOXML as a standard because
>>| it is a description of the Microsoft Office 2007 formats.
>>| OOXML was released from ECMA within a month or so of
>>| Office 2007, so claiming any sort of ?legacy? for Office 2007 
>>| is ridiculous.   
>> `----
>> http://www.sutor.com/newsite/blog-open/?p=2091
>> Someone told me that Microsoft might already be moving
>> on to ODF. Their so-called 'opening up' stunt does more
>> harm than good to OOXML. It makes it redundant.
> ISO already has ODF.  There is no reason for a second
> standard to cover exactly the same thing as the first one.

Sure about that?

True, I think OOXML should be shot, drawn and quartered,
chopped into little bitty bits, and then buried in peat
moss for 3 months and made into recycled fire lighters. ;-)
But revs to specifications are done frequently -- and HTML
indicates that the process has been corrupted for awhile,
at least within W3C.

(At least in HTML the corruption -- replacing <APPLET>
with <OBJECT> -- is fairly benign, and made a goodly amount
of sense as it generalized the concept of an included item.
But I don't think anyone really wanted to replace <APPLET>
with <OBJECT> except for a certain rather large software

And then there's the Sad Oboe Amputation Protocol....

Also, HTML is now modularized XHTML, and I frankly don't
know where it's going.

But these things happen.  I just hope they're not too asleep
at the switch.

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