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Re: [News] Yet Another New GNU/Linux PC Hits the market

Linonut wrote:

> * Roy Schestowitz peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> $599 Linux Desktop
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Nebtrex are please to launch the new Altair personal desktop computer.
>>| This feature packed product has a RRP of $AUS 599.00 (without monitor).
>>| The Altair's OS is based on Fedora (Linux), suitable for both office and
>>| home use markets. We believe this product will surprise all users with
>>| its easy to use interface, extensive range of default installed
>>| applications, remote web based system administration interface and much
>>| more.
>> `----
>> http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;689587501
> Altair?
>    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altair_8800
> I'll bet you could get Linux to fit on it <grin>.

It would take a bit more than a recompile, but it couldn't be any harder
that what was done to port it to other hardware platforms... I'm with you,
it's entirely possible, the would just have to be a demand for it... Like a
good sized Altair user group...


Jerry McBride (jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx)

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