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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Spreads 'Software Drugs' in Countries That Don't Pay Anyway

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Gates offers free software in Asia
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Rishab Ghosh, an opensource guru at Maastricht University who helps run
> | Flossinclude, said that Microsoft was being forced to take the
> | "drug-pusher strategy" to Asian markets because of competition from
> | government-supported open source initiatives.

Micoshaft emulates drug pushers to spread their evil as far as they can
and cause balance of payment and trade difficulties with Asian countries
as well as cause industrial scale waste of computing resources
all over again as they did in the west.

I think more of these weak governments need to action open source
across their entire economy to get more of its benefits
than simply suck up to Micshaft corporation.
At the very least discuss 50:50 open source with micoshaft
and if micoshaft reps do a runner, then you know they
can and WILL run whenever they want to. All the love they
are giving to you is from behind and they have
no interest beyond money.

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