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[News] How Microsoft Can Turn OLPC from Education Tool to 'Drugs', Spyware

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Groklaw has a go at it.

Low-cost laptop group lands in Australia

,----[ Quote ]
| Based in Sydney, the OLPC Australia board will also co-ordinate efforts to 
| bring the organisation's low-cost XO laptops - designed for needy children 
| aged six to 11 - into other Pacific territories such as Papua New Guinea.  
| About 600,000 units have been sold around the world to countries including 
| Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, and even to the US city of Birmingham in Alabama. 
| Pilot programs have also run in countries such as Nepal, Thailand, Nigeria, 
| Rwanda, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Mongolia and Haiti.   


With Microsoft Windows, these can get children "sort of addicted" *and* spied

Flash on iPhone: Video Dream or Privacy Nightmare?

,----[ Quote ]
| The Flash plugin is installed on almost every browser on every computer on 
| the internet, and not only does it provides a cookie system all its own, it 
| provides a way to tie Flash cookies back into browser cookies.  
| So, what’s the big deal? If old fashioned browsers are already storing 
| cookies, what’s the difference if Flash does it as well? 


More malicious antifeatures from Apple and Adobe.

What are privacy settings in Flash? (PJ: Yoo hoo! Mr. Negroponte!]

,----[ Quote ]
| It's important to understand that even though this settings panel is part of 
| Adobe Flash Player, the audio and video will be used by an application 
| created by a third party. Adobe assumes no responsibility for third-party 
| privacy policies, actions of third-party companies in capturing audio or 
| video on your computer, or such companies' use of such data or information. 
| What happens if I select Allow?     


Gnash on the other hand will improve quickly with Adobe's latest bold move: 

Meet The Hardy Heron: What's New in Ubuntu 8.04

,----[ Quote ]
| Rob traveled to Cambridge from Colorado, in order to make sure Gnash fit 
| right in Ubuntu's 8.04 plans. According to Rob, "Ubuntu was the first 
| GNU/Linux distribution to ship Gnash, and although Gnash runs on dozens of 
| other distributions, it usually runs best on Ubuntu."   
| Gnash is a GPL'd SWF movie player as a GPL alternative to Adobe's Flash 
| player. Gnash works as a browser plugin for Firefox, Mozilla, and Konqueror 
| or a stand-alone program. The first official Gnash beta was released on March 
| 29, 2008. According to Savoye, "Gnash supports many SWF v7 features and 
| ActionScript 2 classes with growing support for SWF v8 and v9. Now all we 
| need to do is increase our funding so we can get as close to 100% compatible 
| as possible in a reasonable amount of time."      
| Rob's life as a traveling developer reads like an excerpt from Jack 
| Kerouac's "On The Road." He recently wrote to me from FISL in Brazil - Fórum 
| Internacional de Software Livre – where he was giving a talk on Gnash. (The 
| International Free Software Forum attracts more than 7,400 attendees.) Now 
| that Ubuntu 8.04 has shipped, the next version is being planned at the UDS in 
| Prague. Rob will be there too!     



Can we rescue OLPC from Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
| Proprietary software keeps users divided and helpless. Its functioning is 
| secret, so it is incompatible with the spirit of learning. Teaching children 
| to use a proprietary (non-free) system such as Windows does not make the 
| world a better place, because it puts them under the power of the system's 
| developer -- perhaps permanently. You might as well introduce the children to  
| an addictive drug. If the XO turns out to be a platform for spreading the use 
| of proprietary software, its overall effect on the world will be negative.     



Intel: doing the dirty on OLPC

,----[ Quote ] 
| Intel’s agreement with the OLPC Foundation included a ‘non disparagement’ 
| clause, under which Intel and One Laptop promised not to criticize each 
| other, according to Nicholas Negroponte in the latest article in the Wall 
| Street Journal.   
| Still Intel tactics have violated that repeatedly to kill OLPC efforts in 
| Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, India, China and Intel is also still trying to pull 
| those tactics in Mexico, Brazil.  
| This is simply disgracefull of Intel, scandalous.
| But Negroponte has signed an agreement saying that he is not allowed to 
| criticize Intel, so he is not allowed to talk about these shameless tactics 
| even though Intel is the one violating the agreement.  
| So only independant voices on the Internet can get those messages of truth 
| out about Intels tactics. 
| In Nigeria, Intel came and donated 3000 laptops to counter OLPC efforts, then 
| sells 17 thousand Classmates to Nigeria at a loss. 
| Then Microsoft corrupted Nigerian officials with 400 thousand dollars to 
| install Windows XP on those instead of Mandriva Linux. 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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