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[News] Free Software Perspective from Eric von Hippel

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Portrait: Eric von Hippel, user innovation, and FOSS

,----[ Quote ]
| However, von Hippel remains convinced that user innovation will continue to 
| gain importance. Noting that, when hardware is being designed, it is as much  
| an information product as software, he suggests that the next stage is 
| increased collaborative innovation in hardware. He cites as an example Bug 
| Labs, a company dedicated to products whose hardware is modular and can be 
| assembled to meet users' preferences, and whose software is also modifiable 
| by users. "It's like an electronic LEGO labs," he says approvingly.     
| As von Hippel's ideas begin to gain currency in both academic and business 
| circles, it is starting to seem as though his lifework is itself an example 
| of user innovation and he himself a lead user. His explanations of his early 
| observations about the shortcomings of conventional economic theory are now 
| not only beginning to become mainstream, but also a potential source for more 
| collaborative innovation, especially in the FOSS community. While these 
| connections are just beginning to make themselves felt, they seem a fitting 
| and logical development to his life's work.        


Coding moves with the times 

,----[ Quote ]
| “There are hidden costs in any software development project, but with open 
| source people tend to think they are not there,” he says. Traditionally, 
| support costs have been factored into application budgets, but with open 
| source there can be a misleading assumption that the community will provide 
| the necessary support for nothing.    


Sounds like the classic FUD. Support for proprietary software isn't free,


Microsoft: Steward of Linux, protector of competition

,----[ Quote ]
| As Yared points out, the software industry is brutal and ruthless.
| But not enough to sue your own customers and partners, apparently. I
| for one am thankful that Linux and open source has provided a monstrous
| speed bump before the rapacious locomotives of the commercial software
| industry. And, lo, innovation has not been smitten from the network.
| But unlike Yared, I see no reason to remove those speed bumps now
| that they are truly proving effective.
| If Microsoft or any other software vendor thinks they will improvet
| heir market standing by suing users and partners -- we would have seen
| a lot more of that already. Fortunately these companies remain mostly
| run by salespeople, and not lawyers. It's not been kumbaya, it's beenm
| utual assured survival -- as long as the growth has been in
| double-digits. High growth has always protected and insulated the
| software industry from itself.


10 reasons why I switched to Linux

,----[ Gist ]
| I've grown up on Windows, however, 3 months ago I did my step and moved 
| completely to Linux Ubuntu (desktop, laptop and my home server).
| Why i did that?
| 1. I didn't like Vista RC1.
| 2. I'm sick and tired of "let Microsoft think...
| 3. I never liked money...
| 4. I loved the support in Linux community...
| 5. I'm tired of stealing software for Windows...
| 6. I got my first REAL IT job, which mostly deals with Linux.
| 7. I took my mandatory class at college in Unix...
| 8. I enjoy Linux (fast, dependable ...)
| 9. I hate when my friends say : "I would switch to Linux if....
| 10. Once I switched, I said good bye to spyware, spamware and viruses....

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