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[News] Firefox 3.1 Beta Released; Reviews of 3.0 and 3.1 Beta

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Firefox 3.1 beta 1 released and reviewed

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has released Firefox 3.1 Beta 1, the first official development 
| release of the next update to Firefox 3 just about four months after its 
| release past June.  


Browser Review: Mozilla Firefox 3

,----[ Quote ]
| By some estimates, more than 1.4 billion people use the Internet for work, 
| entertainment, or commerce. All of those web surfers must use a browser to 
| visit websites or shop at online stores, and if browsing speed, security, and 
| functionality matter, those users should be cruising the information super 
| highway with the Mozilla Firefox 3 web browser.    
| [...]
| Recommendation: Firefox is the Best Browser Available Today
| Firefox is fast, safe, and offers better functionality than the competition 
| thanks to an impressive collection of add-ons and some cool built-ins. The 
| browser is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, and it is 
| free to everyone. Certainly there are tradeoffs, but compared to 
| compatibility problems and graphics support issues in IE6 and IE7, Chrome’s 
| spying, and Opera’s propensity to crash, Firefox is the best.     



Overhauled tabbed browsing for Firefox 3.1

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox 3.1 may well be remembered as the “tab release”, as tabbed browsing
| will be the most noticeable updated area users will face when it comes out in
| final form.


Finer session restore for Firefox 3.1

,----[ Quote ]
| Back from a totally offline, sweet 7-day cruise with great times at Aruba,
| Curaçao, Sint Maarten, and Saint Thomas. Aruba and Curaçao: overrated. Sint
| Maarten: the winner hands down. If you can, jump on one now!


Mozilla: Firefox is faster than Chrome

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla answered claims that Google's Chrome browser outperforms Firefox with
| benchmark results of its own that showed the upcoming Firefox 3.1 is faster
| at executing JavaScript.
| According to tests run by Brendan Eich, Mozilla's chief technology officer
| and the creator of JavaScript, Firefox's new TraceMonkey interpreter is up to
| 28 percent faster than V8, the name Google gave to the interpreter used by
| Chrome.


Firefox 3.1 Alpha 2 reviewed

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has released the second alpha of Shiretoko, the development codename
| of Firefox 3.1. Alpha 2 brings a handful of improvements and new features
| that help advance the web to a more open, standards based stage, while
| tweaking the user experience.
| [...]
| TraceMonkey, the JavaScript optimization module that brings outstanding
| performance improvements to most web applications is disabled by default in
| this release because of some nasty bugs, but this should change soon.
| Also coming in future releases, most likely Beta 1, is geolocation support
| which was added some days ago, and will enable web developers to provide
| content customized to a user specific location.

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