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[News] New Single-board Computer Runs GNU/Linux

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VPX card runs Linux on Penryn

,----[ Quote ]
| Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) started shipping a Linux-compatible 
| single-board computer (SBC) that adheres to the VPX military/aerospace 
| form-factor standard. The XPedite7170 is equipped with a 45nm Intel "Penryn" 
| processor clocked up to 1.86GHz, and offers USB, gigabit Ethernet, serial, 
| and SATA interfaces.    
| [...]
| The XPedite7170 can be bought with a Linux Support Package ("LSP"), as well 
| as board support packages (BSPs) for VxWorks, QNX Neutrino, and Green Hills 
| Integrity. X-ES did not provide further details about the Linux 
| implementation except to say that it is based on a Linux 2.6 kernel.   


The Cold Hard Facts About Heat

,----[ Quote ]
| One of my favorite computer stories is about my first web server. I had 
| mentioned it previously, but I’ll provide a quick recap here. Back in the 
| day, I put together a Linux web server using a 486-DX2 box I had lying 
| around. Aside from being impressed that this “Linux thing” actually worked, I 
| was impressed with the fact that a lowly x86 box could do a great job serving 
| web pages. Of course, back then web pages were basic HTML 1.0, but compared 
| to other more expensive UNIX servers this system was a real bargain.      



Linux loyalty runs high among embedded software developers, says VDC

,----[ Quote ]
| Looking ahead, 87% percent of Linux users plan to use Linux in their next
| project. In both cases, use of free distributions outnumbered use of paid
| distributions by a sizable margin.


Embedded engineers prefer Linux OS, says poll

,----[ Quote ]
| About half the embedded systems engineers that read EE Times Europe, are
| planning to use Linux as an embedded operating system, according to
| respondents to a poll. Some 49 percent of the respondents to the poll,
| conducted over October and November, said they were planning to use Linux for
| a future embedded operating system; 15 percent said they planned to use a
| commercial operating system, and 14 percent said they would use an operating
| system developed in-house.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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