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Re: Zombie plague sweeps the internet

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____/ AZ Nomad on Thursday 04 September 2008 23:35 : \____

> On Thu, 04 Sep 2008 23:13:32 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>____/ Sinister Midget on Thursday 04 September 2008 22:58 : \____
>>> On 2008-09-04, bbgruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>>> Oh dear - I do hope that you Linux loonies aren't responsible for this....
>>>> "The summer saw a surge in the number of hijacked home PCs or "zombies",
>>>> say security experts"
>>>> "The Shadowserver Foundation, which tracks zombie numbers worldwide, said
>>>> it had seen at least a threefold increase in the last three months"
>>>> Ah!  .... but wait!
>>>> We got the BBC to highlight the real culprits, remember?
>>>> It goes on:-
>>>> "The vast majority of machines in these botnets will be PCs running a
>>>> version of Microsoft *Windows* "!
>>> It seems Winders is the most popularplatform among zombies, too. In
>>> fact, I'd bet the percentage is very near 100.
>>>> - so maybe you guys are off the hook?
>>>> ... - or are you?  After all, it's A Well Known Fact that only 3 people in
>>>> the world use Linux (me, you, and Linus), so it's small consolation that
>>>> we only "contribute" between 0 and 3 machines to this, is it?
>>>> (Somebody tell me where they get the 450,000 from?  It that actually
>>>> "active at any one time", I wonder?)
>>> They covered themselves: "More than 450,000 computers are now part of
>>> zombie networks....." The "more than" part includes numbers such as
>>> 35,000,000,000,000 and 450,001. So I'd hazard they have a fairly
>>> accurate number there.
>>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7596676.stm
>>This explains why over 120 billion items SPAM circulate per day. That's
>>enough to feed every human on the planet over 20 "Delete presses" per day.
> I have my ssh port protected by denyhosts -- login failures lock out
> the caller's IP/name and it is distributed so that sites that attack
> more than a few denyhosts protected sites will get locked out of all
> of them.
> Last week, I had 25 denyhosts reports in just a few hours.  Somebody
> was using a botnet to mount an attack.  The idiots were trying windows
> accounts such as admin and the attack didn't end until I closed the
> port for a day.

I had to disable my firewall alerts because they never stopped popping up.

- -- 
"There's a lot of Linux out there -- much more than Microsoft generally signals
publicly -- and their customers are using it..." --Paul DeGroot, a Directions
On Microsoft analyst.
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