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[News] Linux Powered-TiVo Hooks Up with DirecTV

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DirecTV and TiVo kiss and make up

,----[ Quote ]
| I’m also happy to report that this new partnership is schedule to go through 
| February 2015, with DirecTV having the option to extend it until February 
| 2018. In short, we’ll be able to count on having TiVos for our DirecTV 
| account for years to come.   


TiVo should concentrate on value, not intellectual monopolies.


TiVo Shows Another Profit, but Outlook Weak

,----[ Quote ]
| Shares in TiVo dropped 23 cents, or 2.9 percent, to $7.73 in extended
| trading. Before the earnings report the stock had risen 5.7 percent to close
| at $7.96.
| During a conference call, interim Chief Financial Officer Cal Hoagland said
| TiVo will face increased expenses in the current quarter, including
| holiday-related marketing and costs related to an ongoing patent battle with
| Dish Network Corp. A Sept. 4 court date has been set as TiVo seeks to collect
| on the $94 million it has been awarded in damages.


Dish plans to sustain legal fight with TiVo

,----[ Quote ]
| "You know, I know this case inside and out," Ergen said in a conference call
| with analysts Monday. "We have changed that intellectual property in a way we
| don't violate (TiVo's patent) anymore. I'm just stubborn enough to say, 'Why
| am I going to pay for something that we don't violate?' "


How TiVo won

,----[ Quote ]
| And now, at last, there seems to be a path to profitability. A successful
| courtroom defense of its software patents laid the groundwork for what many
| analysts believe to be a coming period of exponential growth. In January, a
| federal appeals court upheld that digital recorders distributed by The Dish
| Network (owned by EchoStar (SATS)) infringed on several Tivo patents,
| including one that allows viewers to simultaneously view one show while
| watching another.      


TiVo and YouTube to Deliver Web Video to TV

,----[ Quote ]
| Pick up the remote, turn on the television — and watch YouTube.
| The user experience envisioned by technology enthusiasts came a step closer
| to reality on Wednesday when TiVo, the maker of popular digital video
| recorders, announced a partnership with YouTube that will deliver Web video
| directly to users’ televisions.



Linux hacker bounty aims TiVo at mobile gadgets

,----[ Quote ]
| A TiVo upgrade/repair specialist and a vendor of tiny Linux-based DVRs
| (digital video recorders) have partnered on a coding contest. DRVupgrade and
| Neuros will pay $3,500 for hacks enabling Neuros's gadget DVR to track TiVo
| selections, recording the same content for playback on mobile devices.  


TiVo “Hooks Up” With PayPerPost

,----[ Quote ]
| Pay Per Post has been a very controversial company from the start. Because
| they pay individuals to make fake user generated content, that are really
| covert advertisements for sponsors, the FTC has even expressed some concerns
| over the truth in advertising issues related to their service.  


TiVoToGo DRM cracked

,----[ Quote ]
| Megazone over at TiVo Lovers is reporting that someone's cracTiVoked
| the DRM on TiVoToGo, letting you export recorded programs from a TiVo
| for viewing on any device.


Gunning for Tivo in the GPL debate

,----[ Quote ]
| In the ongoing battle between Linux kernel developers and the Free
| Software Foundation (FSF) over the future of the GNU Public License
| (GPL), somehow DVR-maker Tivo has become either the whipping boy or
| the poster child, depending on whose side you are on. FSF founder
| Richard Stallman even coined a term for what he sees as misuse of the
| GPL: "tivoization".

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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