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Re: [Rival] Google's Office Killer is Already Killing Office

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, bbgruff
on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 19:57:42 +0100
> nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Well, Roy, you know you're doing something right when you bring out
>> the trolls like this.
>> I think Microsoft is plenty worried about Google, even before Chrome.
>> That's what the whole Yahoo affair was about.  Ballmer's threats to
>> "kill" Google don't sound so scary now, do they?
>> BTW, I can already see the propaganda attack on Chrome starting.  It
>> will offer no improvement, it will be less secure than IE (!!) etc
>> etc.
>> Nevertheless, in its first day of operation, Chrome already captured
>> 1% of the market.  IE was down (again), even before Chrome.
> Indeed, but let's be logical about this,
> *Why* would Google release a Windows version ahead of a Mac and/or a Linux
> version?
> I mean, this makes no sense at all, does it?
> Windows is exactly the platform that *already* has I.E.7 and I.E.8.

Pedant Point: IE8 is still in beta.  Of course so is Chrome,
and MSNBC's already done the obvious thing, which is compare
the two:


though MSNBC also recognizes two other competitors,
Opera (multiplatform), and Flock (??):


and then there's Dillo, Kazehakase, Galeon, Epiphany,
IceWeasel, SeaMonkey, and (apparently) Arora and Midori.
One might also count Lynx and Links for non-picture
browsing, and w3m and wget for scripting.

BTW: my attempt to build Chrome blew up, so I'm not sure
we'll see a Linux version immediately; certainly, I won't.
ChromeSetup.exe and WinE aren't too happy with each other
either, so I can't even install it on WinE.

Their build environment's not the simplest (the developer
is required to kick off a Python script).

Sigh.  Why do I get the feeling Google only half gets it?

> - so surely Windows users will be the people who will *not* change to Chrome?
> Is that logical?;-)

Logic?  In the desktop market?  :-)

> ...so what does Google know (or think) that we don't to cause Google to waste
> time and money like this?

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows.  When it absolutely, positively, has to crash.
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

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