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Re: Is Roy Schestowitz Mentally Ill?

Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
On Wed, 3 Sep 2008 07:16:32 -0400, Linonut wrote:

* Phil Da Lick! peremptorily fired off this memo:

Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 21:49:05 -0400, Linonut wrote:

* Moshe Goldfarb. peremptorily fired off this memo:

<lunatic cyber-stalking snipped>

And you accuse others of receiving orders from the subject of your
obsession, while you practically have your nose in his sphincter!
Sorry dude I copied that off of digg.com and BTW only a completely bonkers
mental case would even remotely try to imply that Microsoft or the Govt is
responsible for a madman like Hans Resier murdering his wife.

It's nauseating the way you defend your master, Roy Schestowitz.

Isn't it time to jump up on his lap for a bone or something?
Isn't it about time your schestowitz lap bone subsided?

Seriously, your obsession is getting weird.
Well, look at what Moshe tried to do above.  All in one sentence,
claiming that Roy is my "master" (LOL!), the I defend him in general,
that I defended him on this topic in particular, and that I do it to
a sickening degree.

All I did was snip Moshe's lunatic rantings!  Mostly unread, since
they were obviously rantings.

But they are not rantings they are Roy Schestowitz's own words.

Why does that bother you so much?


The only person Roy's utterings seems to bother here is you.

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