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[News] Windows Vista Advocates GNU/Linux by Sucking

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Using Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Somehow, Vista always gave me trouble. Every 15 minutes or so I was kicked 
| off the Internet, for some unknown reason. Furthermore, my computer took 
| approximately 7 minutes to start, which is a terrible long time.  
| Linux, however, works much faster. No waiting, just typing and checking my 
| e-mails. 
| And that for free!


According to resident Munchkins, the author must be lying.


It’s a joke: In a Linux world without walls who needs Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
| The marketing types responsible are intending to counter Apple’s
| successful "I’m a Mac" line, but the slogan picked out is simply on the wrong
| foot from the start and is thwarted by Linux immediately.


Is Linux’s Marketshare Closer to 20% Or More?

,----[ Quote ]
| What I want to suggest is that the fact that you cannot prove what the
| marketshare is, combined with general perceptions that computers are Windows,
| combined with Microsoft and Apple’s PR all make it perfectly possible that
| Linux’s marketshare is, in fact, closer to 15% or 30%, making it possibly
| more than the Mac. After all, a lot seems to suggest that the Mac is weak
| outside the US and Linux has cought on more outside the US. But hey, that is
| just a guess too!
| The fact is, we have no real evidence and no way of getting real evidence,
| so, until we get some good evidence, we shouldn’t just assume no one uses
| Linux.


This is the Year of the Linux Desktop Breakout

,----[ Quote ]
| Declaring victory for the Linux desktop at the end of the day will based upon
| looking at market penetration of Linux based clients vs. Windows and other
| operating systems. I believe this is still the best measure but we may
| finally be able to declare this year the breakout of the Linux desktop.
| When looking at operating system software adoption it is important to look at
| trends and not a single break through event that will signal that “we have
| made it.” It is kind of like economic forecasting – you look at a lot of
| leading indicators to decide whether we are heading towards an expansion or a
| recession; inflation, interest rates, productivity, employment rates, etc. It
| is worth applying this logic when looking at the Linux desktop. Based on just
| a cursory glance of news this week it is clear that all leading indicators
| suggest a significant expansion on the horizon.


Linux’s Market Share: Is There Any Way To Know?

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical is claiming that 11% of businesses use Ubuntu. (If that is the
| case, just imagine how many use Red Hat or Suse.) Gartner says that Linux’s
| market share is 4%, putting it about even with the Mac. And Context says that
| almost 3% of PCs sold in the UK have Linux pre-installed.
| [...]
| Short of every Linux distro calling home, which I hope will never happen,
| there may never be a way to know how many Linux users there are. Perhaps the
| downloads of some cross-platform application would give a rough idea, but
| that application would have to be something that a Linux user, a Mac user,
| and a Windows user would want equally. If anyone has a better idea, I would
| love to hear it.


Netbooks A Linux Stronghold?

,----[ Quote ]
| For years, backers of open-source software have hoped to push Microsoft out
| of its dominant position in desktops and laptops. Windows-powered personal
| computers account for more than 90% of unit sales,. Linux 4%, Gartner says.


Canonical To VARs: 11% of U.S. Businesses Use Ubuntu Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| In an effort to rally solutions providers around Ubuntu Linux, Canonical is
| telling resellers that 11 percent of U.S. businesses already run Ubuntu.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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