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[News] New Version of Open Source Intrusion Detection Software

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OSSEC Releases Most Comprehensive Product Update Ever

,----[ Quote ]
| Third Brigade, a security software company specializing in host intrusion 
| detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS), today announced the availability 
| of the latest release of OSSEC, the Open Source Host Intrusion Detection 
| System. This new product delivers the most comprehensive update to the OSSEC 
| host intrusion detection system in the history of the open source project.    



Microsoft changes Windows files on user PCs without permission, researchers say

,----[ Quote ]
| Although Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment, Dunn 
| provided Computerworld with a copy of an e-mail he said "Windows Secrets" had 
| received from Microsoft's online partner support. In the message, Microsoft 
| only hinted at a reason for the changes: "7.0.6000.381 is a consumer-only 
| release that addresses some issues after .374 was released. It will not be 
| available via WSUS [Windows Server Update Services]."     


UT Dallas says more affected by Internet attack

,----[ Quote ]
| The University of Texas at Dallas said Wednesday that further analysis
| of a network breach has revealed that all people employed at the
| university between 1999 and 2005 potentially have had sensitive
| information exposed.


Cyberattacks at federal agencies draw House scrutiny

,----[ Quote ]
| In the process of analyzing that malicious code, analysts also 
| discovered another previously unknown hole in the Windows operating
| system that lacked a security patch.


Microsoft Seeks Another OS-Level Adware Patent

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has just published a patent application for advertising triggered 
| by sequences of user actions, which describes how to interrupt game playing, 
| music listening, and photo viewing with pop-up ads ('the components may be 
| integrated directly into the operating system').    


Windows, Please Leave Me Alone

,----[ Quote ]
| So I have a simple solution to this, I went over to my laptop running linux 
| (Kubuntu) watched my video, and left XP behind. When Gusty Gibbon comes out 
| XP might be left permanently out of my life, along with any other windows 
| distribution. Don't think that I hate XP or think its a bad operating system, 
| but this kind of stuff I have no control over and don't feel like I should 
| spend my time on it.     


Windows is spyware

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has crossed the line. They have been disliked by many techies, for 
| arrogance, incompetence and more. But, this wasn't a universal opinion and 
| reasonable people could have disagreed. Now however, the question of 
| Microsoft's corporate character has left the realm of opinion and landed 
| firmly in fact.    
| They are bad guys.


European Parliament rushes towards Soviet Internet

,----[ Quote ]
| Amendments to the European Telecommunications directive being rushed through
| the European Parliament propose a "Soviet internet" where software publishers
| and internet service providers watch traffic and data for Hollywood. Software
| and services that run on the internet would have to ask for permission of the
| regulators.
| [...]
| Benjamin Henrion, FFII representative in Brussels, rings the alarm
| bell: "Tomorrow, popular software applications like Skype or even Firefox
| might be declared illegal in Europe if they are not certified by an
| administrative authority. This is compromising the whole open development of
| the internet as we know it today. Once the Soviet Union required the
| registration of all typewriters and printing devices with the authorities."


Researcher Accuses Sears of Spreading Spyware

,----[ Quote ]
| And given the invasive nature of the product, Sears has an obligation to make 
| its behavior clearer to users. "The software is not something you'd want on 
| your computer or the computer of anyone you care about," Edelman said in an 
| interview. "It tracks every site you go to, every search you make, every 
| product you buy, and every product you look at but don't buy. It's just 
| spooky."     

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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