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[News] Naivety Keeps Microsoft's Inertia Going a Little Longer

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Reasons to Be Cheerful or Angry - Your Choice

,----[ Quote ]
| FACIL is unlikely to win the suit, "but again, it's bringing attention where 
| it's needed to show people there are alternatives, good ones!" yagu added. "I 
| also doubt there's any (or much) malice in Quebec's motives -- it's simply a 
| government with its own inertia, its own way of doing things based on how 
| they've always done them. More blame should go to Microsoft for messing up 
| the free marketplace dynamics."     

Microsoft is deliberately being stupid:

Microsoft knows nothing about Itunes files

,----[ Quote ]
| ".MP4 ? What's that??" Says Windows....
| What is really puzzling, to say the least, is that this on-line database 
| leaves a lot to be desired and fails to bring any results for other 
| increasingly common non-Microsoft extensions like .mp4, .xvid, .divx, Vorbis 
| (.ogg), and .m4v DRM protected files from Itunes. These are not rare file 
| extensions, you can find these indexed and described at third party sites and 
| file extension databases like File-Extensions.org, FilExt.com and 
| FileInfo.net.      



Still not convinced the world is flattening?

,----[ Quote ]
|   "The governments of countries around the world like India, Brazil,
|   South Africa, Vietnam, Malaysia and China have either started to adopt
|   or feel the need for specific policies on OSS."
| I got to thinking that it is almost a shame that the governments of
| third world countries are so willing to try new and revolutionary ideas
| based on sheer need and yet we are so unwilling. Why is it that so much
| time and effort is being spent on developing Linux and open source for
| the third world and not here? Simple answer!
| They want it. They need it.
| We resist it.
| Of course I don't mean all of us, but it is remarkable how much we
| resist change, let alone a revolution of operating system. If you've
| been following my blog at all, you'll see that I have embarked on a
| journey to resurrect old computers for use in my classroom because I
| can't seem to get any new ones. A familiar problem? Tragically. But I'm
| not complaining. I am doing more with these old machines than most folks
| do with an entire lab!


Video: Carly Fiorina reflects on the "Tough Choices"

,----[ Quote ]
| Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina continues her "Tough
| Choices" book tour at CNET Networks' offices in
| San Francisco.


OSBC: Open Source: Why Freedom Makes a Better Business Model

,----[ Quote ]
| Then he suggested some business models like taking donations,
| selling ads, dual licensing, selling ad-on features, etc.  You
| must give customers a compelling reason to buy - but make sure
| that it's not so compelling that the open source community
| doesn't abandon you to create an alternative.  Lastly he said,
| realize that customers want everything to be free. Customers
| aren't worried about your profitability. 


The New Economics of IT, Part II

,----[ Quote ]
| Most system integrators have grown fat and happy in the proprietary
| world. They'll be the first to tell you that open source is a great
| vision, but the reality is that "you need to rely on the established
| vendors." They're just afraid for their business model. Unisys and
| CapGemini have established open source practices. See what
| they have to say.


Red Hat CEO faces generational divide

,----[ Quote ]
| MySQL Chief Executive Marten Mickos said in an interview that he's
| observed a similar phenomenon. People rarely change, he said, so
| usually the shift to open-source software use comes with the
| arrival of a new generation of technologists at a company.


Why many MCSEs won’t learn Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| What he’s doing here is striking out as a way of expressing the frustration
| he feels at being unable to understand what we’re all talking about - and
| while that’s fully understandable because he’s the victim of a social
| community confusing training with education, I think it’s also completely
| illustrative of the great divide blocking widespread Linux acceptance within
| the MCSE community.


An idea about teaching Linux to the MCSE community

,----[ Quote ]
| Mine is quite primitive - a collection of files requiring some manual
| intervention to verify when first used - but it’s easy to see how the
| Configure/Make combination could be used to build everything from .bashrc
| files to gnome configurations. Equally, it wouldn’t be a big deal for the
| people putting out new releases to provide customized versions of the
| files -thereby creating a kind of standardized high level interface layer
| aimed at helping MCSEs overcome their fear of Linux variability.


Bringing a Windows mindset to a GNU/Linux world

,----[ Quote ]
| just ran across a level of stupid so off the charts I had to immediately
| comment on it here lest my inaction unwittingly foster an environment
| tolerant of such stupidity.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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