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[News] [Rival] Software as a Service Displaces Windows, Microsoft

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Cloud computing about to rain on Microsoft parade

,----[ Quote ]
| Work from home and get paid to log on to YouTube — that’s life in “the 
| cloud”. 
| The cloud, or cloud computing, is the latest phrase on the lips of every IT 
| geek, and they say it’s transforming our lives by quantum leaps and bounds. 


Bypassing the O/S.


Free and Open Source Software vs. Cloud Computing

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the point of proprietary network
| services (or cloud computing, or Software as a Service, if you prefer). Not
| when you have Free software as an alternative (“Free,” in this case, being
| analogous to open source or GNU/Linux).


ELASTRA Delivers Cloud Portability With Support for Open Source Eucalyptus

,----[ Quote ]
| Eucalyptus is implemented using commonly available Linux tools and basic
| Web-service technologies.


Cloud Computing and Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| The web moved from static HTML pages to Web 2.0. Software is increasing
| moving away from the delivery to the “hosted” model. Computing resource
| acquisitions is moving from buying to renting. This has given rise to new
| paradigms of delivering software such as Software-as-a-Service or SaaS and
| Cloud Computing. Open source software has been one of the key enablers of
| these new revolution alongwith open standards (HTML, HTTP, CSS, XML etc).
| Whether it is Linux or Apache or Firefox or Python.
| [...]
| However the GPL has some “loopholes” which Application Service Providers
| (ASPs) exploit. Since the distribution clauses of GPL v2 (and now GPL v3) do
| not govern the software whose functionality is accessed over a network
| (mostly the Internet), ASPs and SaaS companies were able to make changes to
| OSS and not give them back to the community. The license that fixed this
| loophole was the Affero GPL v3. This has a clause that governs the usage of a
| software over the Internet.


Open options for cloud computing

,----[ Quote ]
| For example, a team of developers in the Computer Science Department at the
| University of California in Santa Barbara recently released the Eucalyptus
| Project, an open source infrastructure for cloud computing that mimics
| Amazon's Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2), under the FreeBSD license. The name
| Eucalyptus stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your
| Programs To Useful Systems. This software infrastructure implements cloud
| computing on clusters. Its design supports multiple client-side interfaces.
| Eucalyptus uses Linux tools and basic Web service technologies.
| [...]
| A good amount of the growing pains for cloud computing is similar to what the
| software as a service (SaaS) industry suffered in that technology's early
| stages, according to Zemlin. As he sees it, SaaS was a first-generation
| technology for cloud computing. Soon, cloud computing may have similar
| benefits for smaller businesses and consumers.

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