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[News] GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks Take Over as Windows UMPCs Die

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The UMPC is dead; long live the netbook!

,----[ Quote ]
| In fact, about the only true MIDs to reach market appear to be Nokia’s N 
| Series Internet Tablets. These devices, which debuted, some two years before 
| Intel’s “invention” of the MID, have only met with limited success.  
| What’s more, few device vendors have followed Nokia over the MID cliff.


Bloated portable computing was bound to fail (battery life and price). Vista
killed it for good.

"The desktop? We're not interested in it."

1.28 billion mobile phones to ship this year

,----[ Quote ] 
| Given an 
| estimated global population of 6.7 billion, that’s roughly one new mobile 
| phone this year for every 5 people on the planet!   


The Internet? We are not interested in it."

                                --Bill Gates, 1993


LiMo Foundation and Open Source Mobile Phones

,----[ Quote ]
| The history of mobile phones has traditionally been a history characterised
| by closed development. In other words, mobile phone handset makers and
| carriers have offered the features and options that they wanted to make
| available and consumers have had to pick and choose between the best of what
| is out there to get a phone that satisfies them. However, we are seeing a
| movement in the mobile world towards a more open source trend.
| [...]
| LiMo Foundation was launched in the beginning of 2007 and grew rapidly within
| its first year. By February 2008, the foundation was able to provide a
| demonstration of LiMo platform technology implemented in eighteen different
| handsets provided by seven different mobile phone vendors. This points to the
| intended widespread function of the platform for a variety of different uses
| within mobile phones.


Join LiMo, avoid a patent pantsing from the big lads

,----[ Quote ]
| For all its talk of openness, just a quarter of the code in the LiMo
| Foundation's mobile platform is open source, making it a minefield to
| navigate in terms of protected patents - 300,000 patents to be precise.
| [...]
| Gillis said LiMo is on track to release the second version of its platform by
| the end of the year, with the software development kits (SDKs) for Native,
| Webkit and Java coming in the fourth quarter. A compliance program is planned
| for SDKs to ensure that applications written using the toolkits can be ported
| across different handsets, although there's no date for this yet.


LiMo Foundation adds new handsets, members

,----[ Quote ]
| Seven new mobile phones have passed the LiMo Foundation's certification
| process, and the group has a few new members to welcome aboard.


Windows Mobile Sales Lower Than Expected

,----[ Quote ]
| Android phones, like the iPhone, are likely to appeal to the consumer market
| more so than enterprise users, which has traditionally been Windows Mobile's
| target. However, that could pose a problem for Microsoft. Hughes recently
| noticed an increase in the number of companies that don't dictate which
| phones employees should use, instead allowing them to make their own buying
| decisions.


LiMo mobile Linux takes on Google and Nokia

,----[ Quote ]
| LiMo’s Linux open software platform seems to be cleaning up as the main
| mobile phone operating system despite the best efforts of Nokia and Google to
| convince the market of their open platform credentials.


Nokia looks beyond Symbian to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| With a 47.9 percent stake in Symbian, the leading mobile platform that it
| co-founded in 1998 and which today powers some 206 million mobile phones,
| Nokia has long championed it at the expense of rival platforms such as Linux.
| No longer.
| The mobile-phone maker is increasingly selecting Linux for Internet-enabled
| mobile devices, with its CFO declaring of Linux, "It's going to be terribly
| important."


Nokia eyes wider usage of Linux in cellphones

,----[ Quote ]
| "It's going to be terribly important," Nokia's Chief Financial Officer Rick
| Simonson told an investor conference when asked about the role of Linux-based
| tablets.
| He said the company has been developing the next generation of Linux-based
| products, which are starting to come to the market.


Nokia "definitely" preparing Linux-based phones, flavor unknown


Nokia: Linux to become more popular on Mobile Devices


Nokia Income Down but Outlook Rosier

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia on Thursday reported a net income of €1.1 billion (US$1.75 billion) for
| the second quarter, missing analysts' expectations of €1.26 billion, and down
| 61 percent compared to a year ago.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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