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[News] O'Reilly Circus Moves Out of Linus' Home

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Open source conference to exit Portland

,----[ Quote ]
| OSCON, a major national open source technology conference, has decided to 
| leave Portland after six years in favor of the Silicon Valley. The move 
| further reduces Oregon's diminished role in world of open source software.  
| The O'Reilly Open Source Convention was the largest national conference held 
| annually in Portland. It drew about 2,000 people to the Oregon Convention 
| Center each summer to talk about open source -- software, often given away 
| free, that is licensed for open inspection by anyone. The Linux computer 
| operating system is the best-known example of open source technology.    


Here's the real deal (not sponsored by Microsoft):

Happy Birthday To Gnu

,----[ Quote ]
| Over time, Linux created Linux, a clone of the Unix Kernel, and Stallman and 
| the GNU project coded the GNU utilities. Much like the ancient oft told story 
| of the glomming of peanut butter and chocolate to create the Reeses Peanut 
| Butter Cup, Torvalds' kernel and the GNU utilities were glommed together to 
| form what we now think of as the Linux Operating System. (This is an 
| oversimplification and trolls will be here soon to straighten this out for 
| you.)      



Microsoft bolsters Ruby efforts

,----[ Quote ]
| Also at OSCON, Microsoft will unveil IronRuby-Contrib, a Microsoft Public
| License (Ms-PL) open source project...
| [...]
| While often criticized by open-source advocates, Microsoft nonetheless has
| established a presence at OSCON this week, with its sponsorship of the
| Participate08 session at OSCON, which was focused on boosting dialogue about
| open source and other collaborative communities.


Is Microsoft Irrelevant?

,----[ Quote ]
| At OSCON, a top software architect questions Microsoft’s relevance as Linux
| and open source march on into the enterprise and the overall computing
| landscape.
| Is Microsoft irrelevant?
| That's what Brian Aker, director of architecture at Sun Microsystems' MySQL,
| called the software giant in an onstage Q&A during the opening day of
| keynotes and sessions at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention here July 23.
| [...]
| O'Reilly chuckled at the response and offered a bit of an apology to any in
| the audience from Microsoft. After all, Microsoft is a top-level Diamond
| Sponsor of OSCON this year.


,----[ Quote ]
| While often criticized by open-source advocates, Microsoft nonetheless has
| established a presence at OSCON this week, with its sponsorship of the
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Participate08 session at OSCON, which was focused on boosting dialogue about
| open source and other collaborative communities.



BMC at OSCON: Yes, We’re Open 

,----[ Quote ]
| First, the immediate availability of the new BMC Developer Network created 
| specifically for (and with input from) our developer community. Second, the 
| availability of several key open source projects that we’ve built with our 
| customers and partners. Last, but not least, our open source licensing 
| policy.      


My Tongue-Lashing from Eben Moglen

,----[ Quote ]
| He made a strong statement about why the Free Software Foundation ultimately
| chose not to close the "SaaS loophole" in GPLv3...


Pendulum has swung in the open source debate

,----[ Quote ]
| Once upon a time, the term "open source" was coined to save the free-software
| world from itself--or, rather, from the free-software zealots, as you can
| read on the Open Source Initiative's Web site.  
| Today, I can't help but feel that the pendulum has swung in the opposite
| direction, where we're so self-satisfied with the money we're making off open
| source that we have neglected the essential freedoms that make open-source
| profit possible.  


Open Source is no Web 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| It is time we stop the term open source from getting hijacked. I recently
| wrote about how tech media doesn’t get open source. The events in the last
| week or so have confirmed my thesis further.  
| [...]
| It is time for saner elements in the open source world to wake up and stop
| the abuse of the term open source by the tech media and companies like
| Microsoft. If we don’t do it now, the only other alternative is the free
| software movement and the business community may not be able to leverage the
| freedom offered by the free software then.    


Cries for help go out as open source mogul's radar breaks

,----[ Quote ]
| That very speech served as O'Reilly's attempt to make up for his evisceration
| as the hands of Free Software Foundation attorney Eben Moglen. One day
| earlier, Moglen charged O'Reilly with wasting too much time on hem lines,
| haircuts and the latest fluffy Web 2.0 start-up that looks like it might be
| acquired for a ridiculous amount of cash. O'Reilly had no counter on the
| actual day of Moglen's attack, but thought about the issues overnight.    


Eben Moglen challenges Tim O'Reilly to "join the conversation"

,----[ Quote ]
| At the O'Reilly Open Source Convention today, Software Freedom Law Center
| director Eben Moglen threw down the gauntlet to O'Reilly founder and CEO Tim
| O'Reilly. Saying that O'Reilly had spent 10 years making money and building
| the O'Reilly name, Moglen invited O'Reilly to stop being "frivolous" and to
| join the conversation about software freedom.    

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