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[News] Greed and Corruption Ruin the System, Transmeta Gives Up, Phorm Virus Lives

  • Subject: [News] Greed and Corruption Ruin the System, Transmeta Gives Up, Phorm Virus Lives
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:47:00 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Skimming through the press on the current crisis

,----[ Quote ]
| We already saw what the option of doing nothing led to. And it 
| wasn't "corrupted capitalism", but UNREGULATED capitalism. Unregulated, the 
| capitalism evolves towards this kind of suicidal greed. The SEC is sick.  


Former employer of Linus is evaporating:

Transmeta calls it a day and looks for a buyer

,----[ Quote ]
| The low-power chip vendor, which launched in 2000 and IPO’d later that year, 
| said yesterday that it had “initiated a process to seek a potential sale of 
| the Company”.  


What remains from the ruins? Crime, approved by the police:

Police close file on BT's trials

,----[ Quote ]
| The City of London Police have said there will be no formal investigation of 
| BT over its secret trials of an ad monitoring system. 


Only the -paranoid- corrupt survives, including the bribing/charity-killing
Intel/Grove, from whom this quote came.

Will the European Commission slap the police for approving crime? Or Microsoft
for the collusion? Or Intel for the briberies? One can only hope.


British Government Violates Copyright

,----[ Quote ]
| As much as I utterly despise the entire premise of Intellectual Monopoly,
| this is about violating the principles of a Free License, and if it's good
| enough for the British government to violate our civil rights in the name of
| Intellectual Monopoly, then it's good enough for the Free World to protect
| its "property" (in fact Freedom) too…


Bad Phorm: UK Police give green light to Internet spying

,----[ Quote ]
| The email is quoted by El Reg and states that "it has been decided that no
| Criminal Offence has been committed" and there was a "lack of Criminal Intent
| on behalf of BT and Phorm Inc in relation to the tests."
| The best bit, though, is the revelation that BT customers would have given
| implied consent to being spied upon without their knowledge because the aim
| of the tests was to enhance product quality.


Microsoft dropped Vista hardware spec to raise Intel profits


Microsoft 'Caves' To Intel


Intel faces another EU probe

,----[ Quote ]
| The allegation is that Intel used 'inducements' to persuade major European
| retailers not to sell computers equipped with AMD chippage.



Intel overwhelmed by EU complaints

,----[ Quote ]
| So many charges, so little time.
| Intel Chairman Craig Barrett appears overwhelmed by a European Union
| investigation into the company's actions. Earlier this month, European
| Competition Commission officials busted open Intel offices in Munich, hunting
| for documents related to alleged price fixing with retailers. That raid added
| to an existing EC investigation into Intel's business practices.


Investors sue Dell on payments from Intel: WSJ

,----[ Quote ]
| An investor lawsuit seeking class-action status accuses Dell Inc. of
| improper accounting in its relationship with chip giant Intel,
| according to a media report published Thursday evening.
| [...]
| The suit alleges that Dell received at times as much as $1 billion
| a year in "secret and likely illegal" kickbacks in the form of
| "e-Cap" or "exception to corporate average pricing" payments"
| from Intel to ensure that Dell used no other chip supplier,
| according to The Journal.



,----[ Quote ]
| THE ALLEGATIONS WERE shocking: For years, Microsoft has systematically
| distorted its profit figures in an effort to consistently beat Wall Street
| expectations and keep its stock price steadily rising. The false reports
| would violate SEC regulations, and amount to outright fraud.
| More shocking was the source of the allegations: Microsoft's chief of
| internal audits, Charlie Pancerzewski, who reported directly to the company's
| chief financial officer.
| Most shocking of all was what happened to Pancerzewski when he reported the
| suspicious bookkeeping to his supervisors, Microsoft CFO Mike Brown and chief
| operating officer Bob Herbold, in the spring of 1995. Soon afterward,
| Pancerzewski—who for nearly five years had received stellar performance
| evaluations—received his first-ever unsatisfactory one, and was eventually
| forced to resign.
| Two months ago, Microsoft quietly settled a lawsuit containing these
| allegations, filed in 1997 by Pancerzewski under the Whistleblowers
| Protection Act. The auditor claimed he was wrongfully terminated after
| telling his supervisors that Microsoft might be breaking securities and tax
| laws. The lawsuit made its tortuous way through several rounds of pretrial
| motions until last fall, when US District Judge Carolyn Dimmick denied
| Microsoft's final plea for summary judgment, finding credible evidence that
| Microsoft may have violated SEC rules, as Pancerzewski alleged. Shortly
| thereafter, Microsoft and Pancerzewski settled out of court. Terms of the
| agreement were sealed, but one source who claims familiarity with the case
| says that Microsoft paid Pancerzewski $4 million.


Microsoft's Accounting Under Scrutiny

,----[ Quote ]
| The company has still not made enough information public to provide analysts
| with detailed information on the profitability of its MSN Internet business,
| Mr. Galvin said, adding, ''There's still room for them to obfuscate.''

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