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[News] Solaris Suffers from the Success of Linux

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Is Sun Solaris on its deathbed?

,----[ Quote ]
| inux is enjoying growth, with a contingent of devotees too large to be called 
| a cult following at this point. Solaris, meanwhile, has thrived as a 
| longstanding, primary Unix platform geared to enterprises. But with Linux the 
| object of all the buzz in the industry, can Sun's rival Solaris Unix OS hang 
| on, or is it destined to be displaced by Linux altogether?    


Linux On a Nutshell

,----[ Quote ]
| You have five minutes and ten sentences to explain Linux to a complete 
| newbie, without the geekery mumbo jumbo. What would you say?  Here is my 
| take:  
| 1) Linux is a Kernel.
| [...]



Sun: OpenSolaris 'pretty freaking amazing'

,----[ Quote ]
| 150,000 developers strong?
| Recently, Sun was touting the fact that more than 150,000 people have joined
| the OpenSolaris community. This is a pretty big number, particularly since
| the first release of OpenSolaris, dubbed 2008.05 and developed under the
| code-name "Project Indiana," only started shipping in May. That number
| doesn't tell the whole story.
| For one thing, it is not a measure of downloads. According to Dan Roberts,
| director of marketing for Solaris at Sun, the project allows completely
| anonymous downloads of OpenSolaris and also uses mirrors to distribute the
| code. OpenSolaris 2008.05 accounted for a couple hundred thousand downloads
| from the project's systems and maybe half again as many downloads on mirror
| sites.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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