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Joe Potter wrote:

> "Ian Hilliard" <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1222179874.708413@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Ian Hilliard belched out this bit o'
>>> wisdom:
>>>>> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080922/microsoft_buyback.html
>>>> I wonder if this is so that the Bill, Steve and co. can get more money
>>>> as
>>>> they sell off their stake in Microsoft. Given the level of effort that
>>>> Microsoft is displaying in keeping OSS movement in check, one has to
>>>> wonder if they know something that they won't admit to.
>>>> Perhaps the top bosses just want to get a good stake to buy into other
>>>> companies.
>>> Well, they're hiding it from Moody's, then:
>>>     On Monday, Moody's Investors service assigned an "Aaa" senior
>>>     unsecured debt rating to Microsoft, with a stable outlook. The
>>>     ratings agency said this reflects the company's "position as the
>>>     world's largest software company with a strong and defensible market
>>>     position throughout its diverse core offerings."
>>>     Microsoft also said it received a "AAA" corporate credit rating from
>>>     Standard & Poor's Rating Services.
>> Moodys are not perfect. They also gave Enron a high credit rating until
>> close to the end.
> Well I guess that proves everything. Any and every company that has a high
> Moody's rating like IBM, Google, Intel and GE is also on the verge of
> bankruptcy and collapse because they are also highly rated by Moody's.
>> Ian

No, it means that a high Moodys credit rating, like every thing else, should
be taken with a pinch of salt.

Large corporations are quite often very good at hiding their true financial


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