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Re: [News] [Rival] Even Windows XP SP3 is Defective by Design

Sinister Midget III wrote:

>On 2009-04-29, chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>All you're doing is making your hypocrisy obvious.
>> LOL    Hilarious, coming from the FUDmeister...
>It doesn't usually take much to get the Hypocrite-in-Chief to paint
>himself into a corner like that. But one post doesn't normally do the

Fuddie is a liar.  Sheesh, Roy posts an article, and suddenly we are
"hypocrites", because we didn't all read it and question its logic.  

Fuddie must know that we can't account for all the opinions in all the
articles that Roy posts.  Fuddie must know that his Windows advocacy,
in a Linux advocacy group, will get far more scrutiny and comment.
There is no "hypocrisy" in that.

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