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Re: [News] ARM Puts Its Massive Weight behind Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> ARM wants the sub $200 netbook market
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The combination of ARM with Linux - see Ubuntu's latest release - is
> | almost an impossible one for Intel to beat, price wise, with the British
> | Chippie flogging its SOCs for between $10-$20 whilst Chipzilla's Atom
> | starts at $35 apiece.
> `----

I wonder how long it'll be before multi core versions of atom or arm hit the
consumer netbook market? I would be very interested in such a platform....
not just a dual core knock off, but something really interesting like 32
cores, etc...


                             From the desk of:
                             Jerome D. McBride
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