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Re: [News] Freedom of SSL for Acceleration and Security

Doctor Smith wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 13:39:50 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Open Source SSL Acceleration
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Nginx once again has shown that it is a versatile open source project.
>>| For the cost of a server and a few hours work, any system administrator
>>| can increase the capacity of their existing server farm by building an
>>| Open Source SSL Accelerator.
> When the freetards 

Wrong again Mrs. FUDDIE, its Free as in Freedom not Price

> actually admit that time is required you know you are
> in serious trouble from the start.
> I wouldn't touch that POS with a barge pole.

But then again an internet fraudster like you don't use it
to be able to make a fair comment.

> Trust your data to a free operating system programmed by basement
> dwellers?

They make more money than micoshaft.

> Why?

Because retailers make more money from Linux
than peddling appil/micohaft products taken together and it would make sense 
sense to dump micoshaft/appil products and replace them with Linux
products - from netbooks to flat TVs, there is Linux in them
gadgets and make a lot of money for retailers.

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