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[News] Another Application and Another Great Game Ported to GNU/Linux

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Cooliris gets local file support, Linux version

,----[ Quote ]
| Photo and video enhancer Cooliris has launched an updated version of its 
| browser add-on that brings new features including support for viewing local  
| media, file specific metadata, and a Facebook photo viewer that shows user 
| name tags. It's also available--for the first time, to Linux users.  


Sacred: Gold Edition Available

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux Game Publishing has announced that Sacred: Gold Edition has gone, well, 
| gold: 
|     Get your swords and spellbooks ready, Sacred: Gold Edition is here and 
|     ready to order! Adventure through a massive land in the biggest RPG to 
|     come to Linux. Join other players online in collaborative adventuring as 
|     you seek to rescue the land of Ancaria from its evil nemesis!   



OSS Gaming: Ready for the Big Leagues?

,----[ Quote ]
| Tux is no mere drone -- he likes having fun every now and then. When it comes
| to gaming, open source tools and applications have a lot to offer developers,
| but that's not where it stops. Open source games themselves can be had for
| little or no cost, and a lot of them offer just as much baddy-blasting
| entertainment as proprietary titles.


Icculus Ports Prey Game Client To Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux client for Unreal Tournament 3 has yet to be released, and almost
| one year later we still have no idea when this game will arrive for Linux.
| Ryan Gordon (a.k.a. Icculus) that ported the UT3 server to Linux and is
| working on the client does have some news today but it's not about this game.
| Ryan Gordon has just released the Prey client for Linux.


Updates On Sacred, X3, Shadowgrounds

,----[ Quote ]
| Sacred: Gold had entered its beta on Linux back in June. Since then we
| haven't brought it up but the game is still going through its beta process at
| LGP. Just today in fact was the release of Sacred Beta 5. This fifth beta is
| being offered to LGP's closed testing community nearly three months after the
| earlier beta, but it does address most of the game's known issues.


Interactive novel for PC, Mac and Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Heileen, developed by Tycoon Games, is a historical-fiction visual novel game
| with multiple endings.



Linux to game developers: No More Excuses

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell just showed us that the old "lack of market demand" excuse for
| Linux is falling flat. 200,000 users flooded Dell with requests
| for Linux pre-installed on their machines. That's just one
| manufacturer! Never mind the hundreds of thousands of Linux users,
| such as I, who gave up on Dell years ago.
| Previous to the Dell fiasco, I might have had my doubts about the
| commercial interests of Linux. But the last straw man has been
| beaten; from here on out, if you run a technology company and
| refuse to support Linux, it's because history's biggest and most
| oppressive monopoly is paying you not to.


Playing Classic Games Under Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Now if you still want to relive your old days and play these classics
| whether they belong to NES, SNES, or plain old DOS games Ubuntu
| provides a way of playing these classic on your Linux box.


Linux Gaming Made Easy

,----[ Quote ]
| Going Native.  With the possible exceptions of Battlefield 2 and
| perhaps World of Warcraft, I simply can't see the advantage in
| supporting games that choose not to support us. To me, the short
| answer to this is to support those gaming companies that have worked
| very hard to make sure that Linux admirers are not being left out in
| the dark.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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