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[News] New Laws Push Free Software Into Healthcare

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New law helps open source 

,----[ Quote ]
| However, the $20 billion package also contains a more obscure provision that 
| has buoyed hopes among advocates of open-source technologies projects that 
| have struggled to gain acceptance in the health IT marketplace.  


Stimulus provision backs open-source IT systems for health care


Stimulus Plan Provision Calls for Study on Open Source Health IT

,----[ Quote ]
| The federal stimulus package includes a provision that directs HHS to conduct 
| a study to examine the availability of open source health IT systems and 
| compare the total cost of ownership with the cost of proprietary systems, 
| Government Health IT reports.   


OASIS and HITSP Collaborate on Interoperability Demo of Healthcare Privacy
Standards at HIMSS09

,----[ Quote ]
| Support for XSPA Sun Microsystems "The Nationwide Health Information Network 
| (NHIN) is the poster child for all of the benefits that open source software 
| and open standards provide," said Bill Vass, president and COO of Sun 
| Microsystems. "The federal government has built a working prototype capable 
| of being deployed across multiple agencies in a matter of months with minimal 
| costs.      
| [...]
| Red Hat "As a leader in open source, we are committed to adoption of OASIS 
| security standards, and we support industry interoperability efforts 
| surrounding them. We are eager to showcase the applicability of standards and 
| open source technology to enable privacy and secure transmission in 
| e-healthcare.     


Open-Source Healthcare



IT for health

,----[ Quote ]
| The solution to the problem of flexibility lies in free and open source
| software. India has already adopted open source approaches in administrative
| systems and education projects. This represents a good policy foundation on
| which to build a national eHealth system. It could, for a start, leverage the
| strengths of the large open source software community.


VistA now all open source

,----[ Quote ]
| The big open source struggle that began with Linux, moved to enterprise
| applications and then the consumer space, is now pointed directly at the
| heads of doctors and hospitals.
| VistA, the public record EHR and hospital management software created by the
| Veterans Administration, is once again an open source movement with word that
| DSS, its biggest commercial licenser, is switching to the Eclipse Public
| License.


Healthcare Conference to Focus on Open Source Solutions

,----[ Quote ]
| Panels, presentations, and Birds of a Feather meetings are certainly the
| highlight of next month's Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE), but that's
| not the only thing happening during the event. The Demonstrating Open Source
| Health Care Solutions (DOHCS) conference will be co-located with SCALE and
| both will get underway on Friday, February 20, 2009.

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