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[News] Microsoft Front Group (ACT) Tries to Push Software Patents into EU

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Microsoft shill sighting:

European Patent System, Court Top Priority Under Swedish EU Presidency

,----[ Quote ]
| But the main argument for continuing the discussions is the need for it, 
| Josefsson said: "The urgency of making the patent system in Europe less 
| costly and more accessible to particular small and medium-sized enterprises 
| is there." The software industry supports the Swedish efforts. Jonathan Zuck, 
| president of the Association for Competitive Technology, said: “The Swedish 
| presidency’s commitment to move the EU Community Patent forward is a breath 
| of fresh air. We wish the new presidency all the success in their 
| negotiations to achieve the agreement that SMEs have been waiting for so 
| long."        


'Microsoft Meller' gives ACT exposure again, despite it being a known Microsoft

Sweden aims high for creation of a single EU patent system

,----[ Quote ]
| "The Swedish Presidency's commitment to move the E.U. Community Patent 
| forward is a breath of fresh air," said Jonathan Zuck, President of the 
| Association for Competitive Technology (ACT), in a statement.  


Why can't Microsoft speak directly on the subject in Europe and instead send
lobbying groups/fronts like the BSA, CompTIA, and ACT?

The pharma cartel (making money from death) is part of this problem too. They
lobby for the back door to software patents (Bill Gates invests in them):

The pharma sector in Europe: what will become of it?

,----[ Quote ]
| Market entry of generic drugs is delayed and there is a decline in the number 
| of novel medicines reaching the market ... The sector inquiry suggests that 
| company practices are among the causes, but does not exclude other factors 
| such as shortcomings in the regulatory framework. As a follow up, the 
| Commission intends to intensify its scrutiny of the pharmaceutical sector 
| under EC antitrust law, including continued monitoring of settlements between 
| originator and generic drug companies. The first antitrust investigations are 
| already under way. The report also calls on Member States to introduce 
| legislation to facilitate the uptake of generic drugs. The report notes near 
| universal support amongst stakeholders for a Community Patent [it has taken 
| about two decades to win this battle...] and specialised patent litigation 
| system [... and rather less time to win this one ...] in Europe [... but this 
| is a much wider issue than pharma alone].            


Pushing a lot for "Community" patent, those killer:

Antitrust: shortcomings in pharmaceutical sector require further action



ACT's Latest Report? Pay No Attention

,----[ Quote ]
| There you have it: that well-known friend of teensy-weensy companies
| everywhere, Microsoft, is a “sponsor” of ACT. That would probably explain the
| fact that ACT's position, notably in Europe, has been resolutely
| pro-Microsoft, and anti everything that is anti-Microsoft.

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