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[News] [Rival] SFLC, Majority and People (Poll) and Others Say "No" to Mono

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Home [ade] cookies

,----[ Quote ]
| There have been two posts about C# and mono on PlanetKDE this week (e.g. 
| Richard and Andreas). The comments on Andreas’ entry are quite cogent, as are 
| those replying to Richard, but it deserves a wider audience. As far as asking 
| RMS at Gran Canaria this weekend, it’s worth a shot if you abstract the 
| question away from specifically-C# and specifically-mono.    
| [...]
| This isn’t to say there’s not other submarines in the water. We don’t know. 
| Maybe we should. The known submarine should be treated with caution. And the 
| side of caution is to treat C# as a non-Free platform to be avoided.  


MonoSpace Conference Announced


Organised by a Microsoft MVP (no, not Miguel).

5 easy steps to flip a burger, 1 easy step to eat it

,----[ Quote ]
| Pressure Novell and Microsoft (as some of you work in both the companies) to 
| change the agreement to look like this: 
|     Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Google and its 
|     affiliates hereby grant to you a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, 
|     no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this License) 
|     patent license for patents necessarily infringed by implementation of 
|     this specification. If you institute patent litigation against any entity 
|     (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the 
|     implementation of the specification constitutes direct or contributory 
|     patent infringement, then any patent licenses for the specification 
|     granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date such 
|     litigation is filed.         
| Is that easy. Everybody wins. Even Microsoft.
| If you don’t, don’t expect concerns to go away anytime soon. 


Will Stallman C# warning fall flat?


,----[ Quote ]
| No (62%)
| Total Votes: 557


,----[ Quote ]
| De Icaza has been trying for EIGHT YEARS to get a distro to become totally 
| dependent on MONO, and since Novell bought De Icaza, both have increased 
| their propaganda efforts, with the assistance of Microsoft TEs, trolls, 
| astroturfers and fanbois.   
| IF MONO is what its advocates are saying it is (the best thing since sliced 
| bread and safe to use), it would already be in widespread adoption by now. 
| The fact that you can count dependent programs on the fingers of one hand 
| says VOLUMES about how the Linux community as a whole totally distrusts MONO. 
| They are right to hold that distrust.    
| Java is open source and is MUCH less susceptible to patent attacks. It has 
| CONSIDERABLY MORE tools and applications built with it and for it than MONO 
| does.  
| Qt4 is GPL'd and has an excellent API and development tools, bar none. It 
| also has excellent apps built by it and tools available for it. 
| MONO serves no purpose, except to raise the risk of patent attack or of being 
| left in isolation WHEN Microsoft adds extensions to .NET that patents will 
| prevent being added to MONO. This is backwards from Microsoft's usual attack 
| mode.    


Sydney Water dumps GroupWise

,----[ Quote ]
| Sydney Water has decided to migrate its email platform from Novell's 
| GroupWise to Microsoft Outlook/Exchange and is looking for a contractor to 
| help implement the change.  


Stallman warns of Mono 'risk' 

,----[ Quote ]
| GNU project founder Richard Stallman has called on developers to pull back 
| from Mono, arguing that increasing use of the open-source toolset could 
| prompt legal action by Microsoft.  


Mono is not a patent threat for Debian

,----[ Quote ]
| I recently came across this very interesting article, written in 1999, which 
| details the tactics used by Microsoft to fight IBM. They obviously saw OS/2 
| as a threat. Back then, Windows 95 was the trading token. They could have 
| caused IBM a great deal of harm shall they refused to license it to them, but 
| it seems the idea of subjugating IBM was more appealing. This is how Garry 
| Norris (IBM) put it:     
| “Microsoft repeatedly said we would suffer in terms of prices, terms, 
| conditions and support programs, as long as we were offering competing 
| products.“  
| “[Microsoft] insisted that IBM sell 300,000 copies of Windows 95 in the first 
| five months or face a 20 percent price increase“ 
| Nice deal, eh? Make your dependancy on Windows 95 stronger, or else we’ll use 
| your existing dependancy on Windows 95 against you. No surprise IBM abandoned 
| the PC market. Are Red Hat and Sun/Oracle set on the same direction?  


Dear Richard,

,----[ Quote ]
| So, Debian didn't change "the default installation" (whatever that's supposed 
| to be) but the dependency of a package which is used by a minority of our 
| users who explicitly wishes to install everything GNOME related (which is to 
| the best of my knowledge in accordance with upstream developers who added 
| tomboy to the default GNOME installation, too).    


Debian - Mono is not in our default installation

,----[ Quote ]
| In response to the open letter written by free software guru Richard Stallman 
| about the Mono problem, Alexander Schmehl, Debian developer and spokesperson 
| for the GNU/Linux distribution has pointed out that Debian has no plans to 
| include the controversial programming environment in the default GNOME 
| installation. Stallman, who opened his letter with "Debian's decision to 
| include Mono in the default installation, for the sake of Tomboy", had 
| suggested that Debian were including the Mono libraries for anyone using 
| Debian with GNOME.       


As It Stands, Ubuntu Has No Issues With Mono


Ubuntu’s Position on Mono Revealed (Update)


Mono Discussion: Stallman Warns, Ubuntu Dismissive 


,----[ Quote ]
| Our company also takes the potential threat of patents seriously.  As
| such we stand by the position of the SFLC, FSF and RMS in that Mono is
| just too dangerous.
| We are therefore going to look at switching from Ubuntu to Fedora.
| The threat is too great to ignore.  I wish the UTB would reconsider this
| as more harm will come to Ubuntu rather than good.


Ubuntu says yes to Mono, SFLC says no 

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ubuntu technical board has announced that it sees no reason to consider a 
| dependency on Mono as an issue when suggesting applications to be included in 
| the default set included in the GNU/Linux distribution.  
| [...]
| The Software Freedom Law Centre, which provides "legal representation and 
| other law-related services to protect and advance Free, Libre and Open Source 
| Software" has a diametrically different view.  
| Following the statement made by Free Software Foundation chief Richard M. 
| Stallman against Debian's inclusion of Mono as a default, SFLC technology 
| director, Bradley Kuhn , has written an essay, backing Stallman's view about 
| it being better to avoid a language like C#.   


On Debian and Mono

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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