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[News] Early Looks at Fedora 11

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Red Hat goes one louder with Fedora 11

,----[ Quote ]
| Fedora 11 includes updated graphical user interfaces, with Gnome 2.26.1 and 
| KDE 4.2.3, as well as the cutting-edge Firefox 3.5 beta 4 Web browser and the 
| OpenOffice 3.1 office automation suite.  


Linux & Open Source: Fedora 11 Delivers Big Feature Boost to Latest Linux


Fedora 11 Launches with New Community Portal Project



Red Hat goes one louder with Fedora 11

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux distributor Red Hat and its affiliated Fedora Project, which creates
| the development release that eventually becomes Red Hat's commercially
| supported Enterprise Linux distro, have gone one louder this morning with the
| release of Fedora 11.
| The new release has incremental improvements to lots of features, much as
| prior Linuxes have had, and the fact that there are no earth-shattering
| feature changes is really a testament to the fact that the Linux kernel and
| its related systems software and application stack (yes, I know Linux is not
| an operating system, strictly speaking, but to some ways of thinking, neither
| is Windows) has become a mature and credible alternative to Windows and Unix.
| Even on laptops and desktops.


Fedora 11 Drives Evolution Of Open Source Computing

,----[ Quote ]
| The Fedora Project, a Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT - News) sponsored and
| community-supported open source collaboration project, today announced the
| availability of Fedora 11, the latest version of its free open source
| operating system. The community's eleventh release includes the broadest
| feature set to date, spotlights developments in software management and
| sound, improves key virtualization components and introduces Fedora
| Community, a portal project beta.


Release Notes for Fedora 11


Fedora 11: Leonidas is Hardly a Spartan Linux


Another 100,000+ week for Fedora 10

,----[ Quote ]
| Fedora 10 has been gaining new users at impressive rates.  This past week
| alone Fedora 10 has picked up over 100,000 more.


Red Hat Fedora Claims It's the Leader in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat's Fedora community Linux distribution has now tallied its user base,
| and it's a number that on the surface would make it the largest installed
| base of any Linux distribution, with at least 9.5 million users and possibly
| as many as 10.5 million.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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