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[News] McCreevy the Crony Might be Replaced by Another Pro-Software Patents Crony

  • Subject: [News] McCreevy the Crony Might be Replaced by Another Pro-Software Patents Crony
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 06:50:30 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Cox is favourite to replace McCreevy in EU Commission

,----[ Quote ]
| The former President of the European Parliament Pat Cox has emerged as the 
| new favourite to replace Charlie McCreevy as EU Commissioner this autumn. 
| Mr Cox is probably the only Irish figure that could command an influential 
| portfolio ­ and appointing him would avoid a by-election that the government 
| couldn't win.  


Pat Cox is a software patent campaigner:


Ambassador's Corner

,----[ Quote ]
| Announcing this breakthrough, the Internal Market Commissioner, Charlie
| McCreevy said:
| Charlie McCreevy“European businesses find the current patent litigation
| system complex, slow and costly.”
| He predicted that the new unified system, with a dedicated unified patent
| court, would make patent litigation more predictable, faster and less
| expensive.


McCreevy appeals for compromise as Community patent clock continues to tick

,----[ Quote ]
| That the commissioner still feels he has to make this point seems to me to be
| a further confirmation that the hoped for breakthrough under the French
| presidency which people were talking about earlier this year is in real
| danger of not taking place. And if it does not happen with France in charge
| of the European Council, then the likelihood of it ever happening must be
| pretty remote.


Protecting innovation in Europe


European Parliament of Enterprises: Businesses take over Parliament Hemicycle
and vote

,----[ Quote ]
| Commenting on the general outcome of the event, EUROCHAMBRES President Pierre
| Simon said: “The views of an individual business, especially a small or
| medium-sized one, are easy to ignore, but these 750 plus entrepreneurs convey
| the concerns of 23 million businesses across Europe, so their cumulative
| impact is enormous.  Policy makers, starting with the European Council
| tomorrow, must take notice of their concerns and work with them closely in
| finding solutions that will enable Europe to come out of recession and
| compete globally.”


Surely Shome Mishtake?

,----[ Quote ]
| Got that? After one of the worst economic crises in recent history, caused by
| pyramids of non-existent wealth being constructed on totally fictitious
| financial instruments, they now want to use "intellectual property"
| as "collateral" in commerce - that is, more totally ficitious financial
| istruments to create another pyramid of non-existent wealth.



[ffii] McCreevy wants to legalise Software Patents via a US-EU patent treaty

,----[ Quote ]
| Brussels, 13 May 2008 -- European Commissioner McCreevy is pushing for a
| bilateral patent treaty with the United States. This Tuesday 13 May in
| Brussels, White House and European representatives will try to adopt a
| tight roadmap for the signature of a EU-US patent treaty by the end of
| the year. Parts of the proposed treaty will contain provision on
| software patents, and could legalise them on both sides of the Atlantic.
| "TEC talks are the current push for software patents. The US want to
| eliminate the higher standards of the European Patent Convention. The
| bilateral agenda is dictated by multinationals gathered in the
| Transatlantic Economic Business Dialogue (TABD). When you have a look
| who is in the Executive Board of the TABD, you find not a single
| European SME in there", says Benjamin Henrion, a Brussels based patent
| policy specialist.
| The Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) which comprises EU and US high
| level representatives put a substantive harmonisation of patent law on
| its agenda. Substantive patent law covers what is patentable or not. The
| attempt to impose the low US standards on Europe via the Substantive
| Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) process utterly failed at the World
| Intellectual Property Organisation. Also progress in the WIPO B+
| subgroup (without development nations) could not be reached.

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