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[News] Mozilla Celebrates 7th Very Happy Birthday

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June 5, 2002: Browser, Philosophy Born of Turmoil, Defeat

,----[ Quote ]
| The first browser wars effectively ended in 1998 when Microsoft Internet 
| Explorer toppled Netscape Navigator. 
| Throughout the the mid-1990s, the makers of the two most popular web browsers 
| battled tooth and nail to capture the largest share of users among the web’s 
| early adopters. Even though the geeks tended to favor Navigator, every new 
| Windows computer shipped with IE on the desktop, giving Microsoft a 
| significant advantage.    


Which Mozilla blurb works best?

,----[ Quote ]
| I’d be interested in hearing which if any of these directions resonate with 
| people. They probably won’t get used for anything exactly as is. But 
| reactions are super helpful in coming up with things we’ll actually use in 
| the end. I’ve created a short survey with this in mind — if you’re interested 
| in this topic, please take 30 seconds to fill out the survey. Also, if you’ve 
| got alternate riffs on the text above, feel free to post them here as a 
| comment.      


Happy Birthday, Mozilla - and Thanks for Being Here

,----[ Quote ]
| There's a number of noteworthy points here. The first is that the Mozilla 
| project was originally a browser *suite*, which included an email reader and 
| a chat client as well as a browser. This was a throwback to the old Netscape 
| Communicator suite, on which it was based.    



Mozilla SUMO Is No Lightweight

,----[ Quote ]
| Web browsing is supposed to just be a point-and-click exercise, but there are
| times when a user has a question or encounters a problem with their browser
| and needs help.
| For the millions of users around the globe using Mozilla's Firefox, that's
| where SUpport Mozilla (SUMO) aims to come in, with a support forum and live
| chat features to help users get answers for their browser problems.


Mozilla releases Ubiquity update

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla Labs announced on Wednesday a major update to Ubiquity, a browser
| extension that provides users with a clever context-sensitive command
| interface to various web services and browser functionality.

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