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Re: [News] Many GNU/Linux Distributions Are Great; Diversity Needed

On 2009-03-30, Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Doctor Smith <iaintgotnostinkinemail@xxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 07:35:20 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>> Linus uses Fedora, he tells us.
>> Of course Linus is going to say that.
>> Now ask him what he thinks Linux needs to compete in a reasonable fashion
>> with Microsoft for the desktop.
>> I don't completely disagree with the multiple distribution concept.
> Neither do I. I do disagree with the AMOUNT that are actively "pushed"
> by distro watch. I keep asking the freetards : what does YOUR distro for
> your desktop provide that I can not emulate with ten minutes synaptic
> work on Debian? I am yet to get a reply to this simple question.

     Avoiding all of your stupid desktop centric complaints.


     Yeah, imagine that: a distribution that's focused on desktop
usability being less of a problem than something geared towards
server centric configuration stability and philisophical purity.

     It's like the Lemming shadenfreude over similar server 
distributions and their apparent issues when applied to laptops.

     Apple: Because a large harddrive is for power users.
	                                                         / | \

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