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[News] Windows Spoils Perfectly Acceptable Computers... Linux to the Rescue!

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Lenovo S10 Netbook: Fabulous Hardware, Yuck Software

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| But, as the saying goes, it's no use crying over spilled milk. Just lick it 
| up and move on. The OLPC paved the way; it was intended to be an educational 
| tool for children, but adults everywhere were enchanted and wanted one for 
| themselves. This even made an impression on the inert titans of tech, who 
| ponderously diverted from their doomed path of Jabba's Law, which is "Bigger! 
| More Lard! More Crapware! *Belch*", and were sufficiently alarmed to waddle 
| into action. In typical robber-baron fashion, both Intel and Microsoft 
| crashed the OLPC party and tried to co-opt it. So Microsoft is trying to 
| shoehorn Windows XP onto the OLPC, and Intel is trying to steal OLPC's 
| customers for their Classmate PC.         
| I should note that in desktop PCs, laptops, and servers, we get an amazing 
| amount of bang for our hardware buck. Five hundred US dollars buys a desktop 
| system that not too long ago would have been an expensive, high-end server. 
| And thanks to Linux and Free/Open/NetBSD we can actually run nice sleek 
| efficient software that doesn't require all that horsepower just to get out 
| of its own way.      



Lenovo's new netbook hits NZ

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| The IdeaPad S10e weighs less than 1.3kg and features a built-in webcam on a
| 10.1-inch display. The vendor offers different customisation options
| including hardware technologies, education software and upgradeable
| warranties to fit the individual needs of schools. Users can choose between
| Microsoft Windows XP Home or SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop from Novell.


Lenovo IdeaPad S10

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| While there are many different netbooks on the market, one of the models that
| has been selling quite well and is popular with many enthusiasts is the
| IdeaPad S10 from Lenovo. The Lenovo IdeaPad S10 can be customized, but is
| equipped with an Intel Atom N270 processor, a 10.2" anti-glare display, and
| Broadcom 802.11b/g WiFi. In this latest Phoronix article we are looking at
| the Lenovo IdeaPad S10 along with providing some Linux-based benchmarks.


Lenovo's S10e Linux Ideapad

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| Netbooks are all the rage right now with Linux as one of the primary
| operating system (OS) options. The Eee PC from ASUS got things started and
| originally only shipped with a Linux OS. This year's Consumer Electronics
| Show was overrun with the little laptops from a wide variety of vendors. It
| was only a matter of time before the big guys rolled out their own
| mini-laptop offerings. Now you can find a netbook from just about every major
| laptop manufacturer, with the exception of Apple.


Lenovo targets new netbook at students

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| Lenovo this week unveiled a netbook PC designed to be the first mobile PC for
| K-12 students and a "secondary device" for college students.
| Netbooks are smaller, lighter, and much less expensive than full-blown
| notebook PCs. The Lenovo IdeaPad S10e gives institutions the option of using
| the latest version of Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop instead of
| Windows XP or XP Pro2, and the opportunity to dress the slate-gray finish in
| the school's official colors.


A Peek at Lenovo's iPhone-Like Android Phone

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| As we've noted before, the T-Mobile G1 or "Google phone," based on Android,
| is doing better than expected. In 2009, many Android phones are going to be
| appearing, and as applications and innovative designs proliferate, they could
| give the iPhone a run for its money. Today, photos are appearing of Lenovo's
| Ophone, which is an Android phone that it has slated for delivery in China.
| Does this thing look exactamundo like the iPhone or what?


Lenovo Unveils Netbook For Education Market

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| The system comes with an Intel Atom processor and is available with either
| Microsoft Windows XP Home edition or Novell Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop.
| The PC is available with either a 4-GB solid-state drive or 160-GB hard disk
| drive, and can connect to the Internet through a wired Ethernet or wireless
| Wi-Fi connection. The system also supports Bluetooth wireless for connecting
| to peripheral devices.
| The IdeaPad S10e is scheduled to be available at the end of November. Pricing
| was not disclosed.


Lenovo Rebrands SplashTop As "QuickStart"

,----[ Quote ]
| Lenovo has announced this morning that they will begin shipping
| SplashTop-enabled netbooks. Next month Lenovo will be shipping "QuickStart"
| (just their re-branded version of SplashTop) on their new Atom-powered
| IdeaPad S10e. The press release can be read on the Market Wire.


Linux-Based Instant-On Trend Spreads Out

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| SplashTop is an embedded Linux operating system that is able to execute
| instant-on by being very lightweight. The SplashTop marketing mantra is "zero
| to Internet in seconds," and the operating system comfortably coexists with
| both Windows and other Linux distros on many new portable computers.
| In the Lenovo netbook, model S10e, the SplashTop functionality will be
| branded as "Quick Start." I'm not going to be surprised to see Instant-On
| arrive on nearly all Windows- and Linux-based portable computers, and not
| just netbooks. This piece in The New York Times agrees that Instant-On will
| end up fundamentally changing how people think about using their portable
| computers.


The Lenovo S10 Netbook is here, count me in

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| The S10 is here, I ordered one yesterday and I'm psyched. The IdeaPad S10 is
| Lenovo's just-released entry in the Netbook market. "Netbook" is a new term
| that's applied to cheap small laptops that run either Windows XP Home Edition
| or Linux. No Vista or OS X here (neither is cheap).


Lenovo Confirms It's Looking At IBM's 'Microsoft-Free' Client

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| Though nothing is final, Lenovo's participation in the project could vastly
| increase its reach and pose a significant threat to Microsoft's dominance of
| the desktop PC market.


Lenovo In Talks To Join IBM's 'Microsoft-Free' Program, Sources Say

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| The Microsoft-free software package features IBM's Lotus Notes and Lotus
| Symphony e-mail and desktop productivity suites, running on versions of
| Linux.


Lenovo’s September Surprise: Servers

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| Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Novell SuSE Linux seem to be the safe bets, The
| VAR Guy speculates. But our resident blogger wonders if Canonical’s Ubuntu
| Linux will somehow wrestle its way onto Lenovo’s server systems.


Lenovo's S10 Netbook Listed - Starts at just US$429

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| Lenovo is expected to also release a Linux version of its netbook, which,
| once again, will not be marketed in the US, as we already noted in one of our
| previous posts.


Lenovo Launching Linux Netbooks

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| In an email to The VAR Guy, Lenovo Senior VP J. Scott Di Valerio describes
| the PC giant’s evolving Linux strategy, including plans for so-called
| NetBooks that will launch in October. Here’s a look at what Di Valerio had to
| say.

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