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[News] Mandriva Assembly Produces More GNU/Linux Translations

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Mandriva Assembly Cooker Chef for Translation Says “Hi!”

,----[ Quote ]
| In the beginning of February Mandriva announced the creation of Mandriva 
| Linux Assembly with aim of improving communication between users, 
| contributors and Mandriva company. All to make Mandriva Linux distribution 
| even better than it already is. I candidated as a representative of 
| translators, although I also try to help as much as I can with testing 
| development versions.     



Mandriva 2009.0: Much improved since last year

,----[ Quote ]
| On my completely subjective rating scale……4.9 out of 5.


Mandriva 2009.0 KDE 4.2.1 packages available - With Qt 4.5.0 final !!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Arrived the time of year of doing another test upgrade for Mandriva users.


Mandriva Linux: What Windows should be.

,----[ Quote ]
| For the last 15 or more years I have been waiting for Linux to be as user
| friendly as Windows. As more and more impressive software came out for
| windows, this grew stronger and stronger. Now, I am finally satisfied. I
| installed and instantly saw that my life was about to get easier. I spend
| about 16 hours a day coding and Googling. So, my operating system must be top
| notch. I also do not like to sit and type commands all day either. But with
| Mandriva 2009, I do not have to!
| It happens everytime my girlfriend goes to MySpace. She gets infected with
| malware, despite running Spybot SD and AVG. Great job, now I am going to have
| to clean her PC out again right? Wrong, I formatted the drive and installed
| Mandriva. She is now browsing safely and is having no problem using Linux. It
| is as easy as Windows now, but without the bullshit. Now, I do not complain
| that she is going to MySpace!


Mandriva 2009.1 Beta Boots Faster

,----[ Quote ]
| Delayed two days, Mandriva announced last night (February 12th) the beta
| version of the upcoming Mandriva Linux 2009.1 (Spring) distribution. This
| beta release brings a Live CD, for anyone who wants to test it without
| installing it, and some of the hottest Linux technologies, such as: Linux
| kernel 2.6.28, X.org Server, KDE 4.2, GNOME 2.26 Beta, XFCE 4.6
| Beta 3, OpenOffice.Org 3.0.1, LXDE, Python 2.6.1 and above all that, support
| for the EXT4 filesystem, in the installer.


Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring makes its debut

,----[ Quote ]
| Kickstarting what promises to be a busy couple of months for Linux releases,
| the Mandriva team has announced the beta release of its Mandriva Linux 2009
| Spring edition. Codenamed Margaux, the beta version takes the first steps
| towards speedier boot times with part one of its Speedboot project which
| users can enable t to test out its progress.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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