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Re: [News] Myth Busting: GNU/Linux All About GUIs

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Linux : the cool factor - part 2
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | GUI for everything
> | 
> | While it may seem of no use learning the command line. In these days
> | with gui's for everything, where there's no reason for everyday users,
> | even in linux, to use the command line.
> | The moment you get over the point where it feels natural to use, you'll
> | feel it's power. Then you'll understand why it's cool. If you know what
> | you can do and at what speed, you'll clearly understand it's a small
> | effort to learn using the command line.
> `----
> http://www.handlewithlinux.com/linux-the-cool-factor-part-2

What I find as a pattern is that the command line is good for tinkering
at the OS level and GUI is best for applications.

There is always cross over.

As things become repetitive and/or complex it becomes convenient to shovel
them into some GUI tool to reduce mistakes. So I'm using bash for all the
command line low level OS stuff, Gambas2 to script them all up with GUI
buttons to do all the repetitive and complex commands and compiz 3D desktop
for all the applications like Open Office, GIMP, Seamonkey, QCAD, K3D etc.

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