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Re: Push ups

Frank LaFleur wrote:

> Hello everyone, Im training right now for Air Force basic training (dont
> have a ship date yet) and I need to work on push ups.  In basic Ill need
> to do 45 push ups in 2 minutes, when I first started pushups about 3 weeks
> ago I could do about 32 and then fail, it seems now after practicing Im
> worse
> off, can only go up to ~25.  I started out doing several sets in the
> morning
> and several at night before bed.  Thinking maybe my muscles need more time
> to heal, I started doing them every other day, but more sets.  It seems
> even after a day of rest they feel sore and like I said its up to about 25
> then
> excruciating to get any more out.  Should I just keep this up?  Any other
> suggestions.  Im on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet too, if it makes
> a
> difference.  Thank you very much for any suggestions.
> Frank

Clearly you have exhausted yourself and you need to get more rest.
Alternatively, you can work on different muscle groups or perform similar
types of exercise. As time goes on, this exhaustion will no longer be felt.
Your recovery time will decrease and you will be able to do a high number
of pushups much more often.


Roy Schestowitz

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