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Re: Page rank

__/ [johnny15] on Friday 28 October 2005 16:12 \__

> Could someone explain to me how sites with lower page ranking are
> placed higher in searches, as I thought that page rank was the most
> important thing to obtain. My site www.windsorkomatsu.co.uk has a page
> rank of 3 but there is another site listed higher with a page rank of
> 2.
> Thanks in advance

PageRank is just one component among several others. If you were to search
for  "images cache search" would you really want to wind up in  Google.com
as  it bears a PageRank of 10? There is the issue of relevancy to consider
and  how well you get ranked (i.e. how high you are listed) depends on the
search phrase.


Roy S. Schestowitz
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