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Re: Can I get a wallpaper in this town?

__/ [John Bailo] on Thursday 01 September 2005 21:47 \__

> I got to Desktop, pick Download wallpapers.
> I download it, it has a check box.
> But how do I actually /make/ it my wallpaper...it doesn't show in the
> dropdown list???

If you are using KDE as your window manager, have your mouse pointer hover
over some empty space in the Desktop, right-click it (right-handed mouse
assumed), select "Configure Desktop", Background along the left-hand side,
select the horizontal tab called "Wallpaper", then "Browse..." along the
bottom. Select the wallpaper from the location where it was saved. It will
often be /home/YOUR_USERNAME/ by default. If you are not sure what this
location actually is, have a look at the application (browser?) that you
used for downloading the wallpaper image.

Hope it helps,


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