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Re: Wiki Software for a technical domain

Thanks Roy.

Honestly though I can't share all that enthusiasm about MediaWiki. I had it installed yesterday, it was indeed very easy to set up, but I found myself removing it after half an hour or so.

The user interface is so bad and confusing, I simply gave up. On top of that, there was absolutely no means of configuring the Wiki, in that you can allow or disallow editing the sites or forbid accepting new account registrations via the site. The config file only had the basic setup stuff in it, like MySQL username/pw and such. It overall looked as if I, as the admin, had no influence whatsoever over who is allowed to edit which sites. That's certainly not what I want.

Maybe I'm just missing something, but I didn't feel as if MediaWiki was what I was looking for, but I would certainly be happy if you can convince me otherwise :)

Matthias Kaeppler

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