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Re: Is Windows becoming irrelevant?

__/ [ Ignoramus19383 ] on Sunday 30 April 2006 18:59 \__

> On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 17:03:30 GMT, 7
> <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Ignoramus19383 wrote:
>>> I have to use a Windows box at work (along with a linux box as
>>> well). The main apps that I use are:
>>> - Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird
>>> - XEmacs
>>> - xterm
>>> - cygwin
>>> - Open Office
>>> The only native Windows app that I use is a MS Visual C++. (which is a
>>> very solid product)
>> You can use gcc or kdevelop studio - I use gcc and get reliable
>> predictable results; and with any problems I can check right down
>> to the source code of libraries as to where the problem originates.
>> I can't do that with micoshaft vc++, or indeed with any micoshafted
>> software products. Micoshaft is a great hindrance to a busy developer.
> Does it have a good debugger that can debug 100's of thousands of line
> programs with many libraries etc?

I have some colleagues who are competent with both GNU/Linux and Windows.
According to them, the Visual C++ debugger is one of their main motives (if
not the only one) for coding C/C++ under Windows. One particular person that
I think of at this moment runs Cygwin alongside Visual Studio/C++.

I came across similar opinions when I spoke to other people. It's always the
debugger they rave about. That said, this all goes back 2 years into the
past. Things may have changed. I used to be using ddd back when I was 18 or
19 and last year I taught myself gdb. I rarely program in C/C++ at this
moment (only passively when I must), but if you want further pointers to
debugging tools that I found and gather, let me know. I must have had them

>>> So... Even though the OS that I run is Windows, it can be made to run
>>> all the great free Unix programs.

I fully agree. It is my principal contention and perhaps the reason why I'm
here in /C.O.L.A./ for several hours per week.

>>> Does this mean that Windows is slipping into irrelevance, since people
>>> can use it almost as they would use Unix?
>>> i
>> I'd say its totally irrelevant. Of the 20 or so software products I use
>> every day, there is only one if not two that I must use windopes for,
>> only because their original developers haven't yet
>> released a Linux alternative.

Games are a prime example. That said, no game is a necessity, neither at work
nor for services across the household. All you need are a few games that
work on Linux. You can never explore all of them anyway and, if you must,
inexpensive gaming consoles are available at the shops. The cost of
Windows+Office licences exceeds the cost of most consoles.

>> And I can tell you now, I would switch today and be done with windopes
>> for good because I hate running into brick walls with endless micoshaft
>> licensing issues, and veneers of DRM crap, and risks with viri when I
>> could instead just boot up GNU/Linux and do all my developer work
>> in double quick time without having to worry over licensing issues
>> or access to source code.
> I am less critical of MS Windows now, once I was able to run unix
> stuff on it. It is definitely inferior to linux because of very poor
> scheduling support, need to reboot too often, viruses etc, but at
> least I can run good open source sotfware on it now. I do not use
> Windows at home though, myself.

I have been 100% Microsoft-clean for quite some time (excluding vacations
abroad). It feels great and I am never missing anything. If anything, I
spend less time than ever on maintenance, recovery, and the riddles involved
with interoperability -- something you _will_ experience if one of your
machines _still_ runs Windows.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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