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Re: PR Question

__/ [ www.1-script.com ] on Friday 28 April 2006 16:10 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> One of my sites www.mysample.com has PR5.  Its URL version
>>> www.mysample.com/index.html has also been PR5 - until recently;
>>> now it is
>>> PR0.  What might have happened?
>> Unless there is some issue with the datacentres, you /might/ have been
>> banned
>> Roy
> Wow, that's too big a statement, Roy. If only /index.html lost PR, it
> simply means that G figured out the duplication. Nothing bad at all. If
> both / and /index.html lost PR, then it's another story but this is not
> how I would have read the OP.

Oops. I didn't read this carefully enough, but let's wait and find out what
the OP says. The message was very short. I tend to read and compose very
qucikly without double-checking, which is a habit that entails a certain

Best wishes,

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> sudo root; cd /; rm -rf *.doc
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