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Re: [News] PC-BSD and Fedora Become User-Friendly (Digest)

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> __/ [ Donn Miller ] on Thursday 10 August 2006 16:40 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> PC-BSD: The Most Beginner Friendly OS
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | From PC-BSD's roadmap to their default installation, I honestly feel
>>> | good about where these guys are headed with their take on FreeBSD.
>>> | This operating system has it all: support both from the professional
>>> | level as well as that of the community, the ability to install Linux
>>> | software, thanks to the binary compatibility layer, and of course -
>>> | speed. Understand for most people, the speed factor is more or less a
>>> | matter of opinion. But I have found that in some areas, it felt faster
>>> | at the core level. Maybe I just had too much coffee that day? Either
>>> | way, I totally recommend PC-BSD for anyone wanting to take a step into
>>> | the wild side. FreeBSD, it's not just for geeks anymore...
>> I actually thought FreeBSD had a pretty nice installer.  It was so much
>> like Slackware's.  I always found those kind of installers fast and
>> easy.  But I can imagine the headaches they must cause for a beginner,
>> new to an OS.  And FreeBSD still isn't the best OS for a lot of stuff,
>> like many processor SMP.  I'd give that award to Linux.
> I read the following about 5 minutes ago:
>        http://www.linuxextremist.com/?p=80
> Sequel of:
>        http://www.linuxextremist.com/?p=78
> The installer was actually bashed. I wasnted to explore the world of BSD, but
> the above put me off completely. *smile*
> Best wishes,
> Roy

You people always want to compete.  It's kind of sad.  From the first article:

"There are two rivals to PC BSD; DesktopBSD and FreeBSD itself. DesktopBSD will 
be the next port of call, and I'll see if there is more luck to be had there."

FreeBSD is rival to nothing, and has no rivals.  It's the progenitor of many
things, and in some way mother to most.  The great grandaddy of them all (that
is still alive today, that is) is of course NetBSD--which also is rival to
nothing, and has no rivals.

This is not to say that theyre better than everything, it's merely to say that
when you develop an operating system for the point of developing an operating
system instead of developing an operating system for the point of fame, fortune,
and WINNING, you get something that by its very nature can be rival to nothing,
and have no rivals.

So don't use FreeBSD if you dont want to.  No one will mind.



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