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Re: [News] Mandriva 2007 Adopts XGL/AIGLX

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Thursday 24 August 2006 16:33 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ [H]omer ] on Wednesday 23 August 2006 22:15 \__
>>> Hmmm, I wonder what the "Desktop evolution" equivalent of Blueray
>>> would be?
>> HD-DVD. Your Hard-Drive (HD) turns into a digital versatile
>> filesystem. Maybe something like this research piece where the
>> desktop is a 3-D environment with objects (files) that can be
>> bounced and thrown around. I failed to find the popular video which
>> illustrates this.
> Maybe something like a cross between this:
> 3D Desktop! TouchScreen and XGL on Linux!
>  - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx9FgLr9oTk

Aha! That's the (supposedly) Yorkshireman who yells fffock.

> And this:
> BumpTop 3D Desktop Prototype
>  - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ODskdEPnQ

That's just the one I had in mind, but I couldn't recall the name of the
project. It looks very silly to me. Just some eye candy... a big-budget
movie with a story that goes nowhere.

> But without the naked Geordie whistling Dixie.
> Perhaps ultimately leading to something like this:
> http://tinyurl.com/zu6g5 (gadgets.qj.net)
> I'd want a comfy chair though ... and probably a bio-neural interface.

Okay. Let's be realistic. A compromise:


Choose one from the available 10.

> Ah screw it ... just build me a holodeck, and gimmie 7 of 9 to play
> with.
> Talking of Star Trek, but kinda still on topic; did you ever wonder
> why the computer interface panels in ST were so ... er ... *basic*
> looking? I mean someone would completely reprogram the holo-emitter
> using a panel that only had three buttons??? Christ, that'd be like
> using a VCR interface to bugfix a driver in C++!!!

It's hard to foresee HCI innovation. If you find potential in it, you
implement it. Who would have thought about a 'computer' on a USB stick? Or

By the way, Google reconstructed the Star Trek Bridge some days ago. A
geek-collecting-type conference. They needed geek-magnets, so the bridge was
the attraction, I suppose. I believe they recruited.

> And did you ever wonder about, when they were in the holodeck, why
> they always went to a panel on the wall to check the system, even when
> the emitters were still working? Why didn't they just pull up a 3D
> visual interface on the holo-grid?
> Bah ... my brain hurts. I'm going back to my bash shell.

I wonder if Mr. Data was using vim. Plain ASCII. No possibility of smiley
faces, so he could not express or be sensitive to emotion.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Biophysics
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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