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Re: Schestowitz is Beyond a Joke

"Ian Semmel" <anyoneNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> "High Plains Thumper" <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1166097897.751200.226140@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Ian Semmel wrote:
>>> On 12/12/06, 76 of 86 topics posted came from this character.
>>> Not one post was original, just stuff ripped off from rss feeds and other
>>> news groups. Most replies to these articles come from his sycophantic bum
>>> chums and are along the vein of "Gee you're smart, Roy" to which he
>>> replies
>>> "Yes, I am, and so are you". This continues to some sickening level.
>>> I've got no idea who Roy Schestowitz is, but he obviously has some
>>> sort of
>>> personality disorder that demands he see his name on the internet.
>>> Put a sock in it, Schestowitz.
>> Hmmmm...... "sycophantic bum chums", "personality disorder"
>> Looks like a trolling therapist at it again:
>> http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/therapist.htm
>> Therapist can be a highly annoying and therefore very effective
>> Warrior. Instead of making a frontal attack, Therapist attempts to
>> shift the focus of the conflict to the combatants' psychological
>> motivations and problems. He will freely speculate about other
>> Warriors' insecurities, personalities and relationships, but he will
>> almost never directly engage the subject of the dispute.
>> Perhaps if you posted something Linux related, it might be good therapy
>> for you.
> I do. I advocate linux going mainstream and posing a real threat to
> windows and not being the realm of sociopaths who have elevated linux
> to some sort of quasi-religion.
> The zealots spend most of their energy attacking windows and Bill
> Gates, who they regard as the devil incarnate.
> 400+ distributions of an os is not freedom, it is chaos.
> Schestowitz should start his own newsgroup so that you and your ilk
> can have your own virtual prayer meetings unhindered by blasphemous
> statements from the heretics.

Well said.

400 distros! Sinister Midget advocates giving 400 distros to people who
have no idea about computers or SW for them to "evaluate"! Choice?
No. Chaos? Yes. Bearded wierdos with pizza sticking out of their beards
all trying to get their 2 minutes of fame.

Most distros have access to exactly the same SW - more distros is plain

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