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Re: [News] Free Open Source Software -- Bright Future Ahead (Red Herring)

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Open-Source Predictions for 2007
> ,----[ Headings ]
>| Open source gains ground on the desktop
>| More momentum in developing countries
>| More Linux-friendly hardware
>| Vista flops in wake of open source competition
>| More fun with intellectual property issues
> `----
> http://www.redherring.com/Article.aspx?a=20508&hed=Five+Open
> +Source+Predictions+for+2007 

This quote is rather apt, it refutes those who keep insisting
that Open Source is not significant: 

| Open-source web browser Firefox gained market share against
| Microsoft?s Internet Explorer with more than 200 million
| downloads. OpenOffice.org, the open-source productivity
| suite, was used on desktops by more than 200 million
| people.

200 million is 2/3rds the population of the US.

| Open source gains ground on the desktop
| Consumers will get used to using more open-source
| applications on the desktop, says Jeremy Allison, a
| high-profile programmer at Novell who recently left for
| Google (see Open-Source Guru goes to Google). They are
| already using Firefox and OpenOffice and will start
| deploying the Linux operating system on their desktops in
| 2007, he said. While it is not certain if 2007 will be the
| year of Linux on the desktop, Ubuntu founder Mark
| Shuttleworth said 2007 will see a large amount of
| innovation from developers for desktop Linux with new
| styles and features (see Linux: Ubuntu Founder on Microsoft
| ?Challenge?).

I just installed Fedora Core 5.  I know Core 6 is out, but I 
happened to have a DVD I purchased about 6 months ago.  During  
updates, it only required one reboot, because the kernel was 
updated.  It detected my Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE card, 
which uses a different sound chip than the rest of the Audigy 

RedHat did a really nice job on this distro.  It is very 
polished even when compared with Novell Open SuSE.

2007 will be a turning point for many.  As the movement gains 
momentum, we will see a greater porting of apts.


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