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Re: Computer Trends for 2007 Favour Services

On Dec 29, 9:32 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> 2007: Top Software Trends--Vista, Virtualization
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Software As A Service (SAAS)

More like Applications as services

A lot of apps atr turning to web-based deployments where the clients
can be thin or not and still recive the same functionality.  This will
be for both in-house apps as well as applications used from third party
software firms.

Though there is still a diefinately a glass wall on this such as
graphicsa and audio, those doing DTP or video as well will prefer of
not require more direct interation and the necessity of immediate
reponse of a local installed application.

> | Virtualization

This will take care of those things which we must run but don't want to
ruin on the platform it is bound to.  (i.e. accessing some nasty legacy
Access DB, or needing IE to sccess some lame single-platform dependent
web interface.)  I see it become a bubble industry which will last
until businesses can shake off the legacy tech that makes
virtualization a need.

> | Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs)

This is a PHB dream to take application a, band c and create business
suite d.  In some generic (VERY genric cases like Retail) it may
happen, but for most that have to conform to the various laws and
requirements of thier trade will find the one-piece-fits-in all-others
model not feasable.  Also with the likes of Microsoft, Oracle, etc.
wanting to provide interoperability - but only on thier terms - may not
see it emerge.

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