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Re: [News] Microsoft Partners with Ford

__/ [ Guy Fawkes ] on Thursday 28 December 2006 18:43 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef in bericht
> news:11033428.ztEfkxoaOi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Microsoft invades the car
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Microsoft really doesn't want to take over the world you know,
>> | just your desktop, living room, workplace, car, plane, tricycle,
>> | government, oh yeah and they want to be in charge of how much
>> | filling goes into Twinkies too.
>> `----
>> http://www.downloadsquad.com/2006/12/26/microsoft-invades-the-car/
>> I liked the mentioning of "government" among these.
> Now I *KNOW* Ford's dead.

I'd add Novell to this club with a PUN, only John wasn't watching, unamused.

Worry not, my friend, Gates knows everything about cars.

The End of Auto Accidents?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Bill Gates, there will be no more car
| accidents within 10 years. This is a direct statement
| from the software giant himself.


I can recall some argument over this, but what about this?

TV will be shut in 10 years, says Bill Gates

,----[ Quote ]
| Television as we know it today will become obsolete in the
| next 10 years, said Microsoft founder Bill Gates.


There will always remain a vision (or a shadow, under OSS reign) of a


                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Have you compiled your kernel today?"
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